Hi Everybody, Im back in home soil. Though we arrived back before - TopicsExpress


Hi Everybody, Im back in home soil. Though we arrived back before noon yesterday, due to slight jet-lag, was not active enough to really get into FB. I slpt less than 3 hours from Thursday morning till the time we touched down at KLIA. Anyway it was good to be home but I must say I enjoyed my maiden trip to US. Firstly, I would like to thank God for His guidance and protection on our flight to and from KL to NYC. His omnipresence enabled us to have a safe and smooth flight. My prayer for His protection n guidance was granted. Secondly, I must thank Rose for her thoughtfulness in make my trip to US possible. I must admit I have children who are loving and caring. Thirdly I wish to thank my granddaughter Crystal for planning the schedule of our stay there in USA. Her pre-trip planning was so precise that we had no problem in getting on bus, subway, trolleys, train and planes because she had it all downloaded in her mobile. During our stay there we didnt encounter any problem finding places. Fourthly, I wish to thank the Americans who made our stay in US most welcoming. I admit there are many first during this trip-First time I fly in the A380 plane to and from Changi to NYC. Also first time I travel in all modes of public transport-buses,subways,trolleys,trains,planes and even cycling around. Food in US though not spicy are agreeable to my taste buds. I enjoyed the large varieties of sandwiches, pizza, burgers.pasta,bagels and cupcakes. It gave me a really memorable food adventure. Visited a few popular places like the Central Park, Museums, Memorials, the White House,Churches etc,etc. Shopping is actuially cheap if we earn in USD as prices dollar for dollar, things are cheaper than in Malaysia. I also see people of different races, different colour and sizes. I also see the friendliness of bus drivers,taxi drivers and trolley drivers who were ever polite and also very caring to the disabled. The saddest part was when we had to leave my granddaughter behind in Philadelphia to pursue her tertiary education at the University of Pennsylvania., a renown university in the IVY League of Unis in USA. There were many warm hugs and tears flowed freely. I was really sad to see her tearful face when our train began to move further and further. Her mom Rose was also very sad too to have to leave her only daughter behind. But we were confident she would adapt herself well in her new adopted country where shell be for 4 years to complete her degree course. Were also confident she will do well and make us all proud and also Malaysia proud. All I want to do now is to say a prayer for her: Heavenly Father, We leave Crystal Ng Pei Qi into Your hand for protection and guidance while she pursues her tertiary education in the University of Pennsylvania. We trust that You will guide her in using her wisdom to the best of her ability to do well in studies and to mingle well with her fellow students and the people of USA. We trust You to protect her from all harms and to drive away people with bad intentions from her. Lord we trust You to answer her prayers and to keep her in good health. All these I ask in Jesus name. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:49:19 +0000

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