Hi Everyone! This Wednesday’s presentation is another lecture - TopicsExpress


Hi Everyone! This Wednesday’s presentation is another lecture by Dr. Dan Siegel on “Mindsight in Parenting Throughout the Lifespan.” Learn how with the power of “Mindsight,” (the ability to see our own minds in action) we can become more integrated and begin to see the internal worlds of our children, their thoughts, their feelings, the motivations behind their behaviors, their aspirations. Parenting does not end when our children grow and no longer need us like they did when they were babies. And so whether our children are 4 months, 4, 14 or 44 years of age, as we develop greater self understanding, and develop the tools of Mindsight, we will be able to stay more integrated within ourselves and thus our relationships with our children will be more balanced and harmonious. You may ask, “What does the term integrated mean and how can that affect my relationship with my child?” Integration takes place when the highest functioning part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex, is engaged with our emotional and more primal parts of our brain. This mindful connection between our pre-frontal cortex and our lower centers provides us with 9 abilities: 1. Attuned communication 2. Emotional balance 3. Response flexibility 4. Bodily regulation 5. Fear modulation 6. Insight 7. Empathy 8. Morality 9. Intuition When we “flip our lids” so to speak, we lose connection with our prefrontal cortex and then we are “hi-jacked” by lower modes of processing and we do not have access to the above 9 functions. Without these functions we cannot stay in harmonious relationship. This often happens when unprocessed material from our past intrudes upon us without our awareness and impacts the present moment with our child. Our over-reactions cause us to lose our own emotional balance, we become overwhelmed by our bodily reactions, emotions, and we cannot see the world from our child’s point of view. Repeated interactions such as these affect how our child will bond to us, and thus can affect them in many ways. As parents many of us can relate to these challenging moments! The most important message in attachment theory is: IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO MAKE A REPAIR. In fact in relationships, ruptures are inevitable, yet it is how we come together that is most significant. REPAIR, REPAIR, REPAIR is paramount to healthy relationships with our children and loved ones. Learning how to make repairs instead of sweeping a rupture under the carpet, can create more safety and security within the bond between you and your child…of any age. This presentation will enlighten you about mindsight, attachment theory and give you steps to learn how to make healthy repairs with your child. Come join us for an hour video and an hour of lively and stimulating discussion supporting us in our growth toward integration and healthy bonding with those whom we love. Please forward this email to anyone whom you believe may benefit from this information. When: August 7, 2013 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Where: Briarpatch Community Room Cost: Free More Info: Call Aida @ 263-6882 Bring a friend! Aida ;-)
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 01:32:20 +0000

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