Hi Facebook Family & Friends, this is Mick writing. I know you - TopicsExpress


Hi Facebook Family & Friends, this is Mick writing. I know you are all about ready to have a stroke, but thanks to Sandy this will be my first & last Facebook post! Forty-six years ago today I was on a Firebase in Vietnam outside of Tae Ninh City. I was far away from family & friends. You servicemen or Vets out there know that we never worried about ourselves but were worried about family. We knew what we had to do & did it everyday. Our families, on the other hand worried about that dreaded telegram or the serviceman that may come to the door. That is what we worried about & it is a feeling you never forget. So to all the servicemen & women out there, wherever you are, be it in harms way or on the home front, thank you for all that you do & your sacrifices to keep us safe. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year that will see you getting home safe & soon. Sgt. Mick O’Hara ECO 1/5 Cavalry 1967-1969. Four months later, on Easter Sunday, I returned home to a very different America, it was a shock. I was called a baby killer & a stooge for the Government. I was stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado where one day 2 college students spit on me & my uniform. It didn’t go well for them. But, as I sat in my room later that night I realized it wasn’t me they were spitting at but my uniform & what it stood for. 46 years later, thankfully, service members are treated with honor & respect. They receive a heroes welcome at airports, sporting events & schools, a well deserved honor. Today, another uniform is being spat upon & disrespected, that of the Police. The kids that spat on me & others so many years ago have raised children that have no respect for the individuals that protect & serve us. The animal that murdered the 2 police officers last Saturday shot at uniforms worn by an Asian & a Hispanic, he wasn’t shooting at them, he shot the uniform. He did this in the name of 2 “upstanding individuals” with long arrest records & were resisting arrest. We were brought up to respect the police & knew if we ever got into trouble with them we’d face the wrath of our parents. Where do they learn this behavior, at home or perhaps from a college professor who attends a “peaceful” demonstration then decides to throw a garbage can off a bridge at a police officer! So let’s lump all college professors together just like Sharpton did with the police. The President, Attorney General, Congress (Republican & Democrats alike) the mayors & Rev. Al, need to stop the finger pointing & get to the heart of the matter. The bigger issue is why some kids choose a life of crime & distrust of the police instead of the straight & narrow. When people in Washington blame the police for everything that happens in the inner cities of America, they do a disservice to police dept all around the country. We need to remember, they are there to protect & serve us. Please give them the help they need to do their jobs. I still remember 9/11 seeing people (our elected officials) streaming from the US Capitol while those in uniform, police, fire & military went racing in. We have family & friends who are members of the Police Dept & want to see them safe. I know I’ve rambled but I’ve said my peace! No need to respond, because for those of you who know me, know I don’t give a sh-t about opposing points of view. Mickey O’Hara
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:33:32 +0000

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