Hi Facebook. It gets a bit depressing to scroll down Facebook and - TopicsExpress


Hi Facebook. It gets a bit depressing to scroll down Facebook and see all the bad stuff the Obama Administration has done, well, he was doing a lot of it before he was re-elected in 2012. The electorate in our Country has been poisoned by the last generation whom have gotten much for absolutely nothing. They love "something" for nothing. They will not work because up until now, they have not had to. In a poll last week, it showed Hillary at the top for the Dem nomination and Christi in the lead for the Repub. nomination. What is wrong with this? Christi has about the same chance of becoming President in 2016 that Bob Dole and John McCain had, which is to say NONE. Christi is not a conservative, he is not a Liberal either, he is nothing more than a fat loud mouth that will never be elected President. If you have read this far into my post, then please listen to me now. In all of recorded history ALL Democracies have fell back into bondage because of loose fiscal policy, as soon as the electorate finds they can vote for the one who is to give them free stuff, this is all people who are on Gov. assistance, will keep the Party in power until it comes to a complete collapse. The only way for any Democracy to last for many centuries is from the beginning is to pass law that no one on Gov. assistance be allowed to vote while on said assistance. They could regain their voting rights after being off Gov. assistance for one year. The average of all Democracies throughout recorded history is 200 years, we are past that number. There is simply no way for any Democracy to be longed-lived without such a Law. If we had this law, Obama would not be in power, there would be no unconstitutional "Obamacare" Margret Thatcher said the problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money. We have long since done that. 17 trillion debt and climbing. The Fed. is broke, not going broke, they are broke. For those Liberals who think Hillary will be a slam dunk in 2016, there is one great obstacle in her way, our Country is not going to survive 3 X more years of the corrupt Obama administration. Our country spends 3 Billion each year just on the administrative part of food stamps, before the cost of the food is factored in. A complete meltdown is at hand, this will change the voting electorate before 2016! thank you for listening. FF
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:37:04 +0000

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