Hi Folks, I really appreciate the Edgar Cayce materials...and - TopicsExpress


Hi Folks, I really appreciate the Edgar Cayce materials...and Ive studied them and used them for many, many, many years. But Ive noticed something. Most/many of the folks that are attracted to Edgar Cayce want miracles quick & easy...without doing any work to achieve it. Only a few [a very few] are willing to do what he said to do and what he taught to do. Heres a post I just did on Megans site. Enjoy! ;-) JML There is POWER in a Certain Type of Prayer. There is POWER in a Certain Type of Meditation. Well, The specific how-to-dos. Five Top Tips for Powerful Prayers [from an ARE recommended prayer-group. JML] 1. When you are in need of more information to work on the project in mind, help others wanting the same type of learning. in the giving comes the receiving. Normal transderivational search processes, telepathically link you to the desired information. [I reframe this to...teach what you need to know better. In the teaching you also get the skills BETTER than anyone else. This applies even in the mental realms of Mental Training ... and in the emotional realms of Energy Healing. JML] 2. Use positive phrasing; instead of listing how difficult things are in your life, pray for the positive outcome you wish to receive. [This is really a BIG one. Most folks think of what they do NOT want, instead of what the do want. And, worse yet, they do NOTHING to achieve what they do want, except WISH for it. Ugh. JML] 3. Ask for your Higher Consciousness to help you find the information you desire-your prayer could be answered in many ways. [I use Universal Conscious...and Time lines to show the paths that are possible, depending on the actions we take. Self-responsibility is very important. JML] 4. Use a specific place and time to go to level. This creates a special and focused level of mind for you to get the internal communications you desire for the project you have in mind. [Yes, for starting out...BUT that is state dependent upon outside environment. You want to use INSIDE STATES by CHOICE...so create a 3-step anchor that triggers you instantly into the desired state of Mind-Control. JML] 5. Use meditation to aid your prayer time. [If you do not use a form of connecting all 4 parts of the mind, then NOTHING positive will be achieved. JML] What Is Meditation? [From the same ARE recommended prayer-group. JML] Meditation, in its simplest form, is a quieting of the mind. [first the quieting of the physical body. JML] The mind is a powerful tool that is almost constantly in movement-interpreting sense stimulation, using the intellect to place stimulus into context, and creating and observing the many thoughts that constantly pass through the mind. [Now the quieting of the emotional mind and of the mental mind. JML] As an example, lets consider a drivers mind on a morning highway commute. The mind is constantly interpreting sight, touch, and sound. As the eyes are focused on the surrounding cars and the foot is on the gas pedal, the hands are on the steering wheel and the mind interprets what to do. If the car in front of the vehicle is far enough away and moving at a steady speed, the mind can relax its focus on sight. It may begin to focus on the radio or thoughts may come up about the day ahead or the night before. Yet as the mind wanders through thoughts and memories, any sense stimulus will quickly take precedence in the mind. Break lights ahead or the sound of a siren will immediately refocus the drivers attention. The mind is one-pointed... ... meaning it only focuses on one thing at a time, and at any given time the mind can shift focus. An example of a one-point mind is your reading of this article. You may begin to think about something else while you are reading. Your eyes are still following the words on the page, but your mind has taken off and is thinking about something entirely different. [Lack of attention...and lack of intention. If the reason is BIG enough, then you have BOTH attention and intention. JML] You may come to realize this halfway through the page and think, Wow, I dont remember what I just read. Let me concentrate and read it again. [As given above, this is a meta-level above the level of reading. So that meta-level gets you back on track to concentrate as you read. JML] This same realization enables you to constructively use the mind for meditation. Learning to take hold of the mind AND USE IT CONSCIOUSLY is the first and MOST IMPORTANT part of meditation. In some forms of meditation, the act of focusing the mind on NOT observing anything-in other words, the cessation of all thoughts-is the entire goal. For other forms of meditation, this is only the beginning. [Yes, it is ONLY THE BEGINNING. You need to easily achieve ACTION orientation at that level of mind. JML] Meditation can be used for many things. Meditation has incredible benefits for both physical and mental health. It also goes hand-in-hand with prayer. When love and compassion are present in us, and we send them outward, then that is truly prayer. Thich Nhat Hanh, author Then Energy of Prayer Thy prayers ascend to the throne of God, and the angel of each entity stands before the throne to make intercession. Not as a physical throne, no; but that consciousness in which we may be so attuned that we become one with the whole in lending power and strength to each entity for whom you speak and pray. --3954-1 [In the above someone asked about the Virgin Mary...notice how Cayce skirts around that topic, and REFRAMES it to something else. JML] For the power of prayer is not matched even by the devil himself. Hence with that attitude of being as persistent as the devil, you will bring a strength. But if you do so doubting, you are already half lost. The desires of the body are to do right! Then aid those desires in the right direction; for the power of right exceeds -- ever and always. Like the devil himself -- PRAY! --1439-2 [Cayce MATCHED the meta-programs of those he did reading for...so his tone does change from reading to reading. JML] Now, do I pray? No, because I do NOT like that word. That word has a lot of very negative and mind-stopping baggage [morph fields] around it. So I choose to use a process of Mental-Training. Do I go to level consciously every day? Yes. Do I have goals that I assist manifestation of while at level? Yes. Have we taught thousands and thousands of folks to successfully do the above? Yes. Are those processes MAGNIFIERS OF HEALING ENERGIES when applied during healing work? Yes. Questions? Comments? John La Tourrette
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:29:06 +0000

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