Hi Folks, Well, we all know what tomorrow is; September 11, - TopicsExpress


Hi Folks, Well, we all know what tomorrow is; September 11, 2014…better known to all Americans as 911. We’re all aware of the significance of this date and have not forgotten those Brothers and Sisters who were killed in years past by Muslim Terrorists. I mean, who could forget those horrific scenes on our TVs; those of the planes crashing into the towers; fire blazing from the highest levels of the buildings …and the occupants leaping from the uppermost floors to escape death by fire? And who could forget those massive towers crumbling to the ground while New Yorkers, fleeing for their lives, were engulfed by all-consuming, billowing clouds of smoke and debris? Who could forget the Pentagon afire or the brave men and women aboard United Airlines Flight 93 who thwarted the obvious attack on Washington, DC? Who could ever forget the words ‘Let’s Roll’ as Todd Beamer led a passenger revolt against the hijackers who would dare to attempt to take out our Capitol? Who could ever erase those memories from their minds? And the Benghazi ordeal…Lord, what a disgrace!! No President in US history has EVER been so blatantly derelict of his duty to protect the citizens of our nation. Seal Team 6...there’s another appalling situation that doesn’t get the attention it deserves in the media. Fast and Furious…seriously, if I were responsible for these atrocities, if I felt one bit of shame or remorse…I don’t think I’d leave the Oval Office. I know I wouldn’t be on camera, laughing and making excuses at every opportunity. I don’t know how he lives with himself!! I hope every night of his life is haunted by the blood of those men crying out for justice!! But, truthfully, I don’t think it bothers him one iota. Nope, not one bit. It hasn’t stopped him from golfing, vacationing or being entertained by Hollywood’s elite. Well, I could go on and on, but I digress. This is about September 11; our nations’ latest day of respect and observation. We observe it with some trepidation. Yes, there’s a little fear, a respectful amount… but there’s a whole lot of anger and bitterness in the mix, too. We haven’t forgotten and we have been known to hold a grudge. Each year, we observe this day with a renewed dedication and confirmation of our love of God and Country. As ‘they’ get bolder and more arrogant…we meet their challenge with a patient resolve and grim determination. And we wait. And we watch. Rest assured…this melting pot has been simmering a long time and it’s reached a boiling point. We, the People have heard their threats. We know that they have stated openly that they are coming….here…TO AMERICA…to pillage our nation. My only response to that is BRING IT, DAMMIT!!! We have been biding our time for many years and if you think, for one minute, that we are just going to roll over and hand it to you…all I can tell you is…you’ve been mislead!!! It may seem like the gates have been opened wide…that America is ripe for the picking. I know our President has performed well but, trust me when I tell you there are things that you haven’t considered. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU’RE FOOLING WITH HERE? Haven’t you read our history? Don’t you know you don’t pull on Superman’s cape? You don’t kill our Brothers or Sisters without some consequences. WE ARE FAMILY!! Yes, we have fought and argued amongst ourselves FOR DECADES!! Native Americans…Black Americans…Jews, Irish, European, German….we have all fussed and fought at one point or another but make no mistake, when push comes to shove, WE WILL UNITE LIKE ONE HUGE FAMILY!!! That’s what families do. We will come out of the woodwork….from behind every blade of grass and we will gleefully send you off on your honeymoon with all your virgins. What hogwash!! Just know this simple act will put a smile on all our faces. I pray you don’t bring it here, to our backyard. I pray that our children never have to experience this firsthand but know that IF YOU DO…ALLAH WON’T KNOW YOU WHEN WE’RE DONE WITH YOU!!! We, the People of the United States of America will NEVER be FORCED to bow to any God!! We have CHOSEN our God…and our Savior….and we worship AS WE PLEASE. WE ARE A FREE PEOPLE!! We have a Constitution and WILL NEVER ACCEPT SHARIA LAW!!! Speaking of our Constitution and our God-given rights… our 2nd Amendment gives us THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. Yes, I’m smiling. Now, I know, Great Britain abolished those rights years ago…and you’ve pretty much waltzed right in there and made yourselves at home…with little to no fight at all. You should keep in mind that if you come here, to our land….things will be much different. WE ARE NOT GREAT BRITAIN!!! WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE AND WE WILL FIGHT YOU TILL JESUS COMES!! In closing, I only want to add that should something horrific happen and we’re unable to communicate past this point in time…that it’s been a privilege to know each and every one of you. It’s been a magnificent ride…this journey through cyber-space. I’ve met some very interesting and intriguing people. I’ve experienced things I would’ve never imagined…truly amazing things that wouldn’t be possible were it not for Face Book and the Internet. If I said, I love you…believe it. If I said, I respect you…trust me. If I called you Brother…or Sister…it doesn’t end with the grid…lol…I will always consider you ‘family’. May God continue to bestow his great blessings on America and her people. May he bless you and yours on your journey. May your path be smooth and the wind always be at your back. As they say, pray for the best…prepare for the worst. And to you, our esteemed POTUS and all your cronies…and your foreign armies…MOLON LABE, you POS!!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:43:19 +0000

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