Hi Friends, Here is the latest update. Thanks for your - TopicsExpress


Hi Friends, Here is the latest update. Thanks for your prayers! Wednesday, 25/09/2013 – Day 4 Just to recap - A terrible tragedy has happened with no fault or cause from God. A tragic accident occurred at 9:50pm, Saturday, 21/09/2013 where Ben stepped or fell out of a car, travelling at 20km/hr, lost his balance and cracked the back of his head onto the bitumen road. Ben is still on the critical list and the prognosis is not good. Sunday morning (Day 1), Ben, had no chance. The Doctor in charge informed me that Ben had sustained a severe head injury and it is likely by Wednesday (Day 4) we will see Ben slowly deteriorate to the point of death by the following week-end. Ben lays vulnerable in a Princess Alexandra hospital ICU bed and is in need of intercessory prayer for full recovery. From my intimate conversations I have had with Ben over the years, I know it would be his desire that God’s Grace may be made known to a dying world. Therefore, I would like to paint a picture of my son Ben‘s precarious position and help you all to understand what to specifically pray for. There are bandages around his head to protect his exposed brain from outside elements. Ben has had the right side of his skull removed to allow his swollen brain the room to swell out. If this had not been done, Ben would have died on Day 1. There are tubes stuck down his mouth to help him breathe, and tubes for nutritional liquid for him to eat. His arms have become pin cushions for drips and wires to machinery and monitors that surround his bed. There is one monitor that records his vital signs that we have our eyes glued to. One vital sign that is being monitored is the Intracranial Pressure (ICP) The ICP records the pressure between the brain and the skull. A normal walking man’s ICP should be around 7 units. Ben cannot be brought out of his induced paralysed coma until he has an ICP of below 20 units (max) Ideally 10 – 15 units. On Day 1 and 2 Ben was trying to break world records and recorded up 40 units. Day 3 he was hovering around 26 – 28 units. To put it in laymen’s terms - Ben’s Doctor told me that 20 units or below means we can be optimistic 25 units means we are very concerned. 30 units means we are very worried to no hope. 40 units means we hold no hope. At this stage, those who are earnestly praying for Ben’s FULL recovery, this is what we are praying for - 1) We are praying for the ICP figure to get as low a possible to a normal walking man’s ICP of 7 units. 2) This will enable the Doctors to wake Ben, to determine the initial extent of neurological activity and damage. 3) This will also enable the Doctors to graft Ben’s skull back on. 4) We are praying that the bone will graft successfully and that Ben will not need to have a metal plate to replace his skull. 5) We are also specifically praying for full recovery that Ben will be able to retain his many talents, especially his quirky sense of humour and his innate ability to consider others needs and be helpful to meet those needs. He has always had an open and honest heart. 6) We are specifically praying, as Ben recovers, his brain will ‘rewire’ around the damage tissue so that the personal ‘demons’ that Ben had been fighting over the past 7 months will no longer be an issue. 7) The seventh and most important prayer request. Ben is a qualified Baker. He loves to Bake. When he was an apprentice, he would enter many baking competitions, in which he would always win. He only once came 2nd in which he assured me, “Dad, it was only a political win for the other guy, so that’s ok” As an apprentice, he once entered the tradesmen section and beat them all. Ben represented Qld in the prestigious LA Judge Award for the best Bakers in Australia/New Zealand. He was the only apprentice competing against tradesmen and came 5th out of 9 contestants. So we are earnestly beseeching God that His Grace may extend to enable Ben to once again bake Queensland’s best bread again. Ben, I love you and may the world know I am so proud of you. To God be the Glory, Graham Weston
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 01:27:06 +0000

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