Hi Friends, I am writing this post with a very heavy heart. I do - TopicsExpress


Hi Friends, I am writing this post with a very heavy heart. I do not have the words to express the hole precious Bailey left in my heart when he passed. I would do anything to get him back. He was so wonderful in so many ways, one in a million. I know many of our friends understand the pain of losing a fur baby. I am hoping our friends will understand what transpired over the past few days in our home. Before I had even gotten Sugar Cookie home I was so excited and couldn’t wait to adorn her with toys and sparkly things. She looked so much like my Bailey and I didn’t’ realize it, but I’m NOT even close to done mourning my Bailey. Sugar Cookie is not Bailey, no other cat will ever be. She didn’t’ like to be held, in fact you couldn’t’ hold her at all. She was extremely aggressive to my Brownie and she bit my husband. He is now on antibiotics for a bite infection. Because she was showing very aggressive tendencies and I could not control her, I made the VERY difficult decision to return her to the rescue I adopted her from. PLEASE understand, I have never done this before and no one is beating themselves up as bad as I do. But as a good friend told me, I am Human, and I made a mistake and a poor decision when I wasn’t ready. I have done rescue myself and fostered for many years, and this cat had semi feral tendencies. And all the time in the world wouldn’t change that. She would never be a lap cat. And that is ok, just not the right fit for my home with Brownie being terminal. This decision was very hard for our family, I’ve been crying for 3 days. But I knew she was gorgeous and would get adopted quickly. It wouldn’t’ be fair for me to hold on to her for 2 weeks when another potential adopter may see her. It wouldn’t have been fair to her. Unfortunately, the same rescue has the black kitten with the 3 legs and I was immediately denied any future adoption when I explained the issue with Sugar Cookie. Which, although I do not really understand, I do respect. I sincerely hope our friends understand, as I did what I felt was best for our family, and most important, my Brownie.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:07:56 +0000

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