Hi Friends, I have been thinking about the loads of messages I - TopicsExpress


Hi Friends, I have been thinking about the loads of messages I have received this week, I just thought I share some of my thoughts and see if I can help the best way I know how to inspire and uplift my friends, All I can say is everything is good and well. You are already there, Just believe, thats all you need is believe in self (Imagination)! I have received loads of messages from friends who are saying they are trying everything and they are still in the same position and nothing seems to be working and they are getting tired and exhausted with life and they feel like giving Up. Friends, I know exactly how you feel, I use to be homeless Men!!! It was a tough and a very painful experience for me while I was in that state of mind, I know how hard it is to rise from a very difficult position or situation in life, but the truth is that experience made who I am today. When you are down and in the pits, It feels like you are all alone and nobody cares, you then start to doubt every move you make, it also feels like, when you take one step forward and it feels you are still going backwards. I know the feeling, I have been in that state of mind, everything seems difficult and impossible, Trust me you are stronger than you think. Do what you have to do to get back on your feet. You can do anything you put your Imagination too. Furthermore, you usually feel, the world is against you and there is no hope. your mind (Intellect) starts talking to you making statements like why even try, why bother, its a waste of time, this is where self discipline and using positive self talk helps re program your thoughts in your mind. Positive Self Talk and Positive Virtualization are very powerful tools. Always Imagining the end is the key. Imagining creates reality. Imagination is reality. You have to see yourself there first in your imagination before you can experience that state in your physical reality. Always remember everyday you are above ground is a blessing, you are still here, alive and active, you still have a soul and you are all Imagination Believe in your self and never ever give up. Remember as you believe in your heart so shall it be done unto you. And always, always be thankful for everything you get or have whether it is big or small it makes no difference just be gracious and thankful in all things. Everything in life grows like a seed, just take each day as it comes, one step at a time and always trust God ( Imagination) believe me nothing will be impossible to you and remember to always live by faith and not by sight. Be inspired now, you can do it. All you need is believe in yourself! This is one of my favourite Inspirational videos, it brings back a lot of memories be Inspired and absolutely nothing will be impossible to you if just believe. PLEASE FRIENDS DONT EVER, EVER GIVE UP!!!! Everything happens for a reason. Watch this inspiring video. YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE IT IN IMAGINATION!! Always imagine the best in everything! Blessing Always :-)
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 05:05:49 +0000

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