Hi Friends, It looks like fall is just around the corner. Ugh!! - TopicsExpress


Hi Friends, It looks like fall is just around the corner. Ugh!! I am a summer girl. I make no bones about it... the brighter that sun is shining the bigger my smile is!! It’s hard to believe that we are beginning the 3rd week of school. Mary has done remarkably well. She has had a couple dizzy/funky eye spells but they only seem to last 10-20 minutes and she handles them quite well. The best trick at dealing with them seems to be laying down and closing her eyes. If she tries to battle through them she gets dizzy and then panicky and that is NOT a good place to be. So she keeps a pillow and blanket in Mark’s car and can head out there and lay down for as long as it takes. Remember Mark teaches at Mary’s school so they are able to ride together and pray together on the way to school and then she starts her day off in his room being taught the wonderful subject of Algebra!!! Last Friday’s appointment in Ann Arbor went well. Mary’s blood numbers continue to look good. Most of them are in the normal range. They are watching the mysterious eye/dizzy episodes and are quite confident it is nothing related to cancer. It could be a side effect of the hundreds of chemo treatments put into her frail little body but we are confident and continue to pray that these episodes will one day be GONE!!! This weekend I got to spend a night away and go to a Beth Moore conference in Indiana with 2 of my best friends Sandy and Collette. Wow what an incredible woman of God...adorable, knowledgeable, funny, and HUMBLE. Then on Sunday Mark and I took Ellie down to Cedarville, OH for a college visit and on Monday morning we attended chapel and the minister spoke on the subject of humility. I believe being HUMBLE is one of the BEST characteristics a person can have. Isnt it great to watch a talented basketball player make an incredible move and then hustle back and play defense or to watch a football player catch a great pass and then go over and thank the quarterback who threw him the ball or the blocker who made it all possible. The God given talent speaks for itself.....a player doesn’t need to raise his arms in the air, beat his chest, shake her fist or taunt her opponent. If you had a great game you don’t need to recite your stats or talk about your great play. Talk about the goodness of the Lord instead!!! Be an example of CHRIST!! Instead of looking for glory because of the shot you made or the pass you threw humble yourself and be JESUS to someone. I remember a sermon I heard a few years back that really spoke to my own heart. I never looked at arrogance from this perspective but did you know the root of arrogance is insecurity? When you look at someone who appears to be stuck up or proud and boastful you want to say they are soooo full of themselves?? and yet.....did you know they are actually INSECURE and find it necessary to trick everyone and appear the opposite. So instead of walking around looking for compliments on the way you look or the sermon you preached or the grade you got or how you look in your new expensive tennis shoes..... Encourage someone else, compliment a stranger, smile and make eye contact with someone else, notice someones hair or outfit. Work at making that insecure person next to you feel loved, or pretty, or good. Be Christ to someone else. If you catch a touchdown pass....keep your helmet on and thank the Lord for the talent he has blessed you with, thank your blocker, and get ready for the next play. When you block someones shot don’t puff your chest out and raise your fists as if you’ve saved the world. HUMBLE yourself and be like JESUS!!! Think about what it feels like to be the shooter who gets blocked. I know we cant change the world alone but if we all strive to be more like Christ....we can make a difference. Maybe you are thinking well who do you think you are talking about humbleness what makes you an authority. I am so far from and authority but I’m hoping I can work on myself and maybe make someone elses day a little better. We Juengel’s are working on this and I hope you will consider making a difference too. Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace. but with the humble is wisdom. Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:45:55 +0000

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