Hi Group, I am again presenting one more article written by me - TopicsExpress


Hi Group, I am again presenting one more article written by me (basically written to convey few things, at a different forum). I think you all will enjoy this article which touches different sections of our Sanathana Dharma!! Any comments, corrections and updates are heartily welcome. Today, I thought of explaining many things that are related to our Customs/ Rituals/ Practices and about Sanskrit Language. 1). Yoga :- A].This is a common word used now-a-days across the world and almost all of us consider Asanas (Synchronised Body Movements and Postures) as its meaning. B]. All the chapters of Bhagavad Gita, are named as different Yogas, but the naming of the these Chapters are quite recent. Yoga has nothing to do with these chapters. C]. Real meaning of Yoga is Idea or Easy Way Or Ways!!! {Yogaha = Upayaha!}. This is the actual meaning of the word Yoga. {Anwartha}. D]. The posture Ways to keep Body and Mind fit is then called Yoga-Asana! E]. I said Yoga-names for Bhagavad Gita is added recently by some people as first chapter is called Arjuna Vishaada Yoga!!! Does Vishada become Yoga at any time in anybodys Life?? P.S :- Meaning of Vishada = Pity or Self Pity etc. Thus these names for the chapters of Gita are Arvacheena (very recent). Also, earlier quotes of Bhagavad Gita were containing the numbers of those chapters by any Bhashyakaaras, MathaAcharyas and almost all the Scholars. Thus the names of all/ any chapters of Bhagavad Gita are NOT at all Pracheena! Please recite those chapters as PrathamoDhyayahas and so on.. 2). Pranayama:- A]. We Indians have specially concentrated on Breathing Techniques considering it as Art of Life. B]. Lot of methods are there to do Pranayama which is used while doing different things of Life. Main Streams of Pranayaama are :- I}. Rechaka II}. Pooraaka III}. Kumbhaka IV}. Anuloma V}. Viloma VI}. Bastrika VII}. Kapala Bhathi VIII}. Naadi Shuddhi Pranayama IX}. Antar and Bahya Pranayama C]. The science behind these Breaths are most important and interesting too. We have almost forgotten the essence of Breathings and its Calculations. Ill explain some interesting points behind these Breathings and is as below:- Usually, all our Scholars, Astrologers consider our age in Number of Years that we live. But, the Ancient/ Yogic Science of calculating Age and increasing it, is totally different. It depends on Number of Breaths that we Breathe. Further explaining more :- A person normally takes about 4 seconds for 1 Breath, which becomes 15 Breaths per minute and so on. Totally its 21600 breathes per day. In other way to consider it (as per Yogic methods) :- whenever a person breathes for 21600 times, his 1 day is completed/ over. I hope you all understood this way of calculation. So, 21600 breathes can be increased - to breathe that many times in 2 days, if a person practises Pranayama. It means by breathing slowly and steadily taking 8 seconds per breathe. It might be further increased too as per our Practices and Conveniences. You all might have heard that Our Ancients and Yogis were living upto couple of centuries with these Techniques. By knowing this and Practising, we may also increase our Life Span and with Good Health. P.S :- Please note that There is Numerology behind these numbers too which Ill try to explain some other time. For Instance :- Lets know that 21600 when all the digits are added together Sums up to 9. 9 is the Mystical Number representing Heights of Yoga and Yogic Ways to attain Spirituality. D]. By doing Pranayama regularly, all body parts can be stimulated and relaxed. Coming to few more points, Above mentioned types of Breathing helps to I}. Regulate Blood Pressure and maintains its balance. II}. Activates Pancreas thus avoiding from Sugar diseases. III} Controls Heart Beats and increases its consistency. IV}. Asthma and other Breathing related problems cane be overcome. V}. Cholestrol Levels in Body will be Normal. VI}. Mind Power, Memory and Concentration can be increased up to a Surprising Levels, and more!!! Atlast, One will have High Immunity just by properly Breathing! Is that not amazing? 3). Sandhya Vandana :- A]. Our ancients observed that our Mind will be Highly Active and also Nature Forces at 2 times in a Day. That is when Day and Night meets or vice versa :- Dawn and Dusk. This is called Sandhya Kaala (Sandhi = Merger, when day and night merges). Hence, at this time :- A Saadhaka (One who wants to attain Knowledge and Bliss through Knowledge) should do Vandana (Worship these Nature Forces and GOD through these Natural Vibrations). This entire process is called Sandhya vandana!!! B]. Sandhya vandana consists of many main portions and is to be properly practised to gain the Spiritual Benefits enabling us to attain Spiritual Heights! This method consists of :- I}. Inner Cleansing - Aachamana II}. Presence of Mind (to be in Present) - Sankalpa (Innermost meaning for this step is :- GOD, I am doing this by your Will and Wish! Also, to attain your Love. {Let Your Wish be My wishes too!}) - This is represented by Preranaya and Preethyartham!!! III}. Spiritual Cleansing of our Body, Surroundings and Mind :- Marjana and Punar Marjana IV}. Removing Negativity - Bhoota Ucchatana! V}. Empower Pancha Bhootas in us - Aangika/ Karanyaasa. VI}. Worship Almighty in different forms which are Spiritual, deepy Contemplating - Through Gayathri! VII}. Worship different Angels and DemiGods related to all directions/ dimensions - DiK (Dikku) Namaskaara! VIII}. Worship the courtesy of our Ancients, Well wishing to our Spiritual Wealths (Gou) and Gurus (Brahmins) - Gou Brahmenobhyo Shubham Bhavathu! IX}. To request Almighty, to give peace - happiness - harmony to all other humans and species - Sarve Janaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu! X}. To apologise in case of any mistakes(through Body, Language and Mind) while conducting this Supreme Ritual! - Kaaye Na Vaacha Manasaa! This entire ritual is highly designed (1000s of years back!!!) and is followed till date. sadly, many people (who perform) do not know what exactly they are doing. I hope by knowing these things :- it is more interesting to perform this Divine Ritual!!! (Jnaanena Karmanaha!!!). 4). Sanskrit :- A]. Already, I had posted Sanskrit Related Article and the Speciality of Sanskrit. Hence, Ill not dive deeply again. But, it is essential to know more and more things about this language such that while doing Rituals, Chanting, Meditating, Singing or Dancing - it helps a lot to know more and Worship in a Nice manner. P.S :- Singing, Dancing, Yogaasana, Meditation, Numerology, Astrology, Psychology, Astronomy, Fine Arts (Sculptures), Engineering (Architecture and Vaasthu), Ayurveda (Medication) etc etc is highly explained and conveyed through this Sanskrit Language and thus in Sanathana Dharma!!! B]. Todays Special:- Ill explain about one word which is used almost by everybody on daily basis but lot of people do not know its meaning. The word is Akshara which means Letter. As said in my previous post about Sanskrit, Any word in Sanskrit explains/ describes the features of that particular being/ object by the word (name) its called with!!! (100% Anwarthaka). Its just not Letter as in English (coincidentally given a name!!). I}. Akshara consists of 3 letters - Aa, Ksha and Ra! II}. A Dhathu Akshena Ramayathe Iti Aksharaha tells everything. A letter/ Akshara becomes a letter/ Akshara when written, else its just a sound/ vocal. Written form can be seen through Eyes. Akshara literally means :- Enjoyed through Sight/ Seeing!!! (What a fantastic Meaning!!) III}. It can also be explained deeply (Grammatically) as :- All Indian languages Starts with Aa and Ends with Ksha! Any letter that comes in between Aa and Ksha is called as Akshara!!! P.S:- Now-a-days, in some of the languages it ends at LLa, which is not correct as per the definition of Akshara. Probably, we may call it as ALara?!!? (Hope, You laugh at it!!!). IV}. Kshara means perishable and Akshara means impershiable!! (Akshara might be called as Naasha Rahitha:- that it represent and be Forever!! I hope these views on different subjects of Sanathana Dharma will be appreciated and also makes all of you interested to Learn and to Know more and more. Even, these are the Basic things that a Brahmin (One who wants to know about Brahma, it is not pertaining towards Religion) should know to Study our Ancient Scripts in a better way and Worship the Almighty in a better manner. Pooramadaha Poornamidam|| Thanks and Regards, Srinath
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:20:20 +0000

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