Hi Guys, In order for people to buy, we have to re-look at how - TopicsExpress


Hi Guys, In order for people to buy, we have to re-look at how we address the value we seek to add in their lives and we have to reposition the way we are currently offering it Its never about the matter of selling to the prospect. It is a matter of the prospect buying you so apply reverse triangle and 11 questions The Reverse Triangle of Prospecting 40% trust 30% qualify 20% plan 10 % closing 11 questions to build trust Rule: Never sound interesting, be interested 1.How did you get your start in your business? Action: Let them share and you listen with empathy 2. What do you enjoy most about your profession? 3. What separates you and the company from competition (permission to brag question) 4.What advice would you give someone just starting in your business? (Be my mentor question) 5. What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail (bringing him to a fantasy) 6. What significant changes have you seen take place in your business in the last few years? 7. What do you see as coming trends in your business (the spectacular question) 8. Describe the funniest or craziest incidents you have experienced in your business? 9. What ways have you found to be most effective for promoting your business? 10. What sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do your business? 11. How can I know if someone I am speaking to is a good prospect for your business? (The One Key question) In order to get people to buy, we must have a value structure to be effective. The mindset is: I put myself in front of people who can say yes to me and I deliver Value first We must BRING value We mus BE of value We must OFFER value We must INSTILL value We mus GIVE value Here are a few mistakes that people in sale make They get in ONLY for the money They fail to realize that their attitude is at the core of their success They blame others instead of taking responsibility They try to sell instead of getting people to buy They lack total belief in what they are selling When we can apply these effectively and duplicate these principles to our partners we will start to build a global professional network. In service, FAITH leadership
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:26:44 +0000

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