Hi! .. I WANT TO SAY, THANK EACH & EVERY 1, OF U 4 ALLOWING ME 2 - TopicsExpress


Hi! .. I WANT TO SAY, THANK EACH & EVERY 1, OF U 4 ALLOWING ME 2 BRING PRAYER, & STRENGTHEN U WITH THE LOVE OF GOD INTO UR LIVES ON FACEBOOK, WHERE JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!! :) MESSAGE from the LORD: JESUS told Peter, When thou art CONVERTED, STRENGTHEN thy BRETHREN (Luke 22:32, emphasis added). He also taught his disciples, Except ye be CONVERTED, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (Matt. 18:3, emphasis added). JESUS elaborated, WHOSOEVER therefore shall HUMBLE himself as this little CHILD, the same is GREATEST in the kingdom of HEAVEN (Matt. 18:4). JESUS IS THE ONE WHO CHANGES (converts) US, NOT U or I! HIS WORD states: A new HEART also will I GIVE YOU, and a NEW SPIRIT will I PUT WITHIN YOU: and I WILL TAKE AWAY the STONY HEART out of your FLESH, and I will GIVE YOU an HEART of FLESH. And I will put My SPIRIT within YOU, and cause YOU to walk in My STATUTES, and ye shall keep My JUDGMENTS, and do them...WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING! [WE CANNOT DO NOTHING WITHOUT HIM]. Even if U think U R! (Ezekiel 36:26-27; John 15:5). Mans efforts to redeem himself bring to fruition only vanity and vexation. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun (Ecclessiastes 2:11). But with the LORD as mans SOURCE of STRENGTH and WISDOM, he bringeth forth his fruit in his season... and whatsoever he doeth shall PROSPER (Psalm 1:3). For GOD giveth to a man that is good in HIS sight Wisdom, and Knowledge, and Joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God (Ecclessiastes 2:26). Things which are IMPOSSIBLE with MEN are POSSIBLE with GOD! (Luke 18:27), for with GOD ALL things are POSSIBLE (Mark 10:27). AND I CONCLUDE.....ONLY JEHOVAH GOD CAN CHANGE A HEART! AMEN From the desk of Evangelist Linda L. Anderson..Have a good day!! :)
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:30:43 +0000

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