Hi, I have Safe Haven Animal Rescue in Cypress. Last Monday my - TopicsExpress


Hi, I have Safe Haven Animal Rescue in Cypress. Last Monday my husband helped rescue a handsome Husky. He was almost hit by cars. When he scooped the dog up in order to quickly get him to safety, the dog bit him. It was not a serious bite and there was no actual aggression. The dog was just surprised. He took the husky to our vet. The vet has had him in isolation which we hate. We feel sorry for him. Dr. Hennessey gave him a rabies vaccination that day. I have tried to find the dogs owner. He was wearing a collar but no ID tags and no micro chip. Ive posted on Facebook and FidoFinder. Ive driven around looking for flyers of a lost dog. Im not familiar with huskies or malamutes. I would like to get him into a good rescue who has fosters who know the breed and can find him a good home. My guess is hes about 5 years old. Hes intact. I have not had any tests done. Because of the bit situation, the staff have been cautious around him. His ears are filthy. Hes underweight. I can feel his entire backbone. I spent at least 30 minutes with him Friday in an outside fenced area at the vets office. I pet him and touched most of his body. He was fine with me doing that. When other dogs, big and small, came out to the other fenced areas on either side of the one we were in, he was great. He never barked at them despite the fact that several of them barked at him. His tail was wagging and he was happy to see them. He wanted to play with them. Me he could care less about, lol. I sat on the ground most of the time watching him prance around the perimeter of the fence. He enjoyed Being outside and able to smell and pee everywhere. He was a good boy but just not that interested in me. I didnt think to take treats for him. He did not come to me when I calked for him. Of course, I dont know his name. We wouldnt sit on command either. When I was there to see him on Wednesday, I took him out on a leash and walked around the back acre with him at the vets office. He was very calm and gentle. He walked with me or in front a few feet but he was very aware of my stopping and of my turns. I never had to correct him or pull on the leash. We was very easy going. I know all rescues are full. I just pulled a dog from Dog Dynasty Monday. I dont have anyone to foster him and I cant afford to board him either. I already owe for a week of boarding. Do you have anyone who can foster him? Would your rescue consider taking him? My email address is [email protected]. My cell phone # is 713.829.7994. I have a video of him on my page. I dont know if I can post it here.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:49:54 +0000

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