Hi... I made it back... I had a checkup at da Vet today - da kind - TopicsExpress


Hi... I made it back... I had a checkup at da Vet today - da kind ub checkup dat included shots in my beehind. Im tellin ya, I was tricked in to goin... mama & Maddie said wannah go furr a ride? Well, of course I wannah go furr a ride. I libb furr rides in da car. Duh. When we got dere, I knew where I was. I went right obber to Sandy - she works at da front desk & she watches us at home if mama & Maddie haff to be gone furr a whole day. I lubb Sandy. I thot dat maybe mama & Maddie juss took me to see Sandy, den I saw Tara. I knew I was in trouble den because she opened DAT door. Tara fussed all obber me, but dat was a ploy to calm me down. I figured dat out & ran obber to mama... I stayed right dere until Dr. Smith came in den I thot how does Beau open da door (Beau can open da doors at da Vets... mama says hes too smart furr his own good). I was stuck. Dey put me on a table dat went up in da air... OK, not thrilled AT ALL about dat. Im going to need to habb a talk wiff mama & Maddie about dis stuff. Its bad enough dat I habb to go to da Vet but no more surprises like a table dat takes me off ub da ground. Den... after all da poking & proding, I get stuck wiff 2 needles & den goo in my mouth furr something called kennel cough... kinda like a flu shot furr dogs... I told mama I wouldnt be kissin any udder dogs (especially since Zeus, my boyfurriend, lived far away). But mama said I had to habb all dis stuff so I could play wiff udder doggies, especially if we start canine training. At least I wont need anudder rabies shot furr 3 years. Da best part (if you can call it dat) was I got a few lean treats furr being a good girl. Speakin ub lean... da Vet said I habb to loose a few pounds. I weighed 51.6 lbs today... he wants me to be around 45 lbs. Maybe someone should habb said somethin when I WAS 45 lbs... so, now, I habb to go on a diet & get more exercise. I tink mama was jokin when she said dat she was gonna teach me to use da treadmill. BOL BOL - Ugh. If she really tinks shes gonna do dat, dere bedder be a ginormous bag ub treats down by dat treadmill... OK, lean treats... maybe carrots... Im not picky - I just need MOTIVATION... Im very food oriented. OK - I guess Ive complained enough... and probably bored you to tears... thats juss been my day so far... it can only get bedder from here on, right? Sending out my lubbs to everyone, especially my Zeusie
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:43:05 +0000

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