Hi Jose,A few things to talk about today... first I am including - TopicsExpress


Hi Jose,A few things to talk about today... first I am including BOEs latest coupon code info for 20% off (see below) and I am giving a ringing endorsement for their organic green food product, as I have been taking it for over a year now and really can feel a difference with a number of health indicators, so check it out.Next, I want to thank you again Jose for spreading the word about black salve and other holistic treatments that are having a huge impact on peoples lives.So keep it up and keep those success emails coming!Lastly, I am going to tell you a little story about some recent emails I received from the dark side. About 2 months ago, I received an email from someone named Vicky who said she was a production coordinator for a company in London called Optomen Television Ltd. She wanted me to license the rights to two of my YouTube black salve videos so they could use them for a Discovery Channel program which aims to ...broadly cover diagnostic practices with an array of medical experts discussing cases brought to us by our contributors. What we are working on is a number of packages about unusual or surprising treatments and medical techniques.This to me screamed, PROPAGANDA PIECE, to discredit more holistic treatments!Here was my response:I do indeed own the rights to the videos you inquired about, however I do not have any desire to license the right to use this video in any production that will in anyway take away from the validity of this type of holistic approach, such as the numerous propaganda pieces produced for the drug companies to make natural remedies look dangerous and ineffective, while they have been used safely for hundreds of years under the proper guidance. Guess, what I got back as a response….NOTHING!So, fast forward 2 months later to this week and I received another email about the YouTube videos.This one from a man named Martin who said Vicky had left the company and he was in charge of the project now. I forwarded him my initial response to Vicky and he wrote back:I know of no intention to produce propaganda. We are an independent UK production company making an 11 part series for Discovery Network highlighting a variety of medical concerns that some people cannot find cures for. Between those stories we report about some extreme medical cases that are not covered by the interviews with our UK contributors and the team of medics who are formulating a final diagnoses which the patients have been searching for throughout their lives.To which I responded:So what did you want to use my clips for when they are of specifically diagnosed disorders, as stated in the videos? The medical profession has been diagnosing BCCs and melanomas for decades, along with treating them,…I don’t think my clips would fit into any of the needs you mentioned, right?I have yet to hear back from him.My point to this long story is, THEY ARE THREATENED by that which they can not patent and make billions of dollars from. You will NEVER see a main stream TV program applauding the successful use of black salve or any other holistic cancer treatment. This just reinforces the fact that we need YOU to continue sharing the truth with your loved ones, because Big Pharma will never let it out over the airways!I will never let agents of Big Pharma use my clips to twist and distort the truth of black salve, but you can use the videos like this one https://youtube/watch?v=n9zvI3ouw-U to show them it works, you just may save a life!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 04:49:55 +0000

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