Hi, Just in case you missed them on Facebook here are links to all - TopicsExpress


Hi, Just in case you missed them on Facebook here are links to all of the FREE books I have written. They can be downloaded or read online. Please take a look and I do hope you enjoy them. They are all short so should not take long to read. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks Mike Portnoyapitalism and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Examines why Capitalism has been such a successful economic system, why it is so destructive and why it contains the seeds of its own destruction. https://docs.google/file/d/0By0rGjglp2pnQ1FSaGgwSWVuVDg/edit?usp=sharing Scientists believe the Universe is expanding This book challenges the popular view that the Universe is expanding and will continue to expand forever into cold dead space and puts forward a Relativistic version of the expansion of space, in which the Universe is cyclic with Matter Universe following Antimatter Universe following Matter Universe ad-infinitum. The book explores the workings of Black and White Holes and the roles they play in recycling the Universe. If you are interested in the Universe and the way it works you should find this an interesting and stimulating read. Please give it a try. I would love to hear what you think. https://docs.google/file/d/0By0rGjglp2pnb1hEeHBGQk95RjA/edit?usp=sharing Supplement 7 This is my first attempt at a short story and naturally enough (for me) its science fiction and its set somewhere in the Universe about now. https://docs.google/file/d/0By0rGjglp2pnekNkRHlEM3lhejg/edit?usp=sharing The Human Cost of Greed This is my latest book; it has only just been published. Greed is one of Humanities main driving forces and greed in conjunction with apathy and complacency, two other main Human traits created a recipe for Capitalism and Representative Democracy. Capitalism developed alongside the Industrial Revolution with one feeding and depending upon the other. Capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction and we are starting to see where that is leading and what it means for the Human race. The Earth can naturally support about 1.5 to 2 billion people but now contains a still expanding population of over 7 billion. The extra 5 billion are being directly supported by consuming the Earths non-renewable fossil fuels namely oil, to the point where oil has nearly run out, polluting the Earth and changing the operation of the biosphere in the process. The biosphere is a finely balanced mix of various eco-systems and when any are out of balance nature responds to correct the balance, but nature operates over a much longer timescale than we humans. The problems that we are now facing are of our own making, as by sheer weight of numbers we have overwhelmed nature’s natural ability to keep all systems in balance, but nature will correct them in its own time and regardless of whether we cooperate or continue in our arrogance to fight nature every inch of the way. https://docs.google/file/d/0By0rGjglp2pnd0QydUNCRkxYOEk/edit?usp=sharing The Rise and Fall of Capitalism and Representative Democracy Capitalism went hand in hand with the Industrial Revolution, with each dependent upon and feeding the other. They have a symbiotic relationship. For Capitalism to work it is dependent upon an expanding worldwide economy in a free market but what does that mean? Capitalism purely exists to show a profit for the Elite few that run the system, bankers, industrialists and governments. An expanding economy requires an expanding market, more consumers and more workers to produce goods, in other words it requires a constantly expanding worldwide population. It also requires a constantly expanding supply of resources, materials and energy. Unfortunately the Earth’s resources are finite and that includes the land and sea which provide our food and fossil fuels which power nearly all man’s energy requirements. To maximise profit, entails reducing production costs to a minimum and that means exploiting the workforce and the planets resources. With no thought for the future and with a gross overpopulation of humans, the result is that the Earths biosphere is polluted to the point where it is becoming more difficult for it to support life. Nature will do what nature always does when any species overbreeds and outruns its territory and food supply, the less able starve and the fittest survive. This is a normal cycle that has applied to all species through the ages and so it continues. Why aren’t government’s worldwide warning people and trying to correct the situation by encouraging us to breed less? The problem quite simply is that nearly all governments are themselves a major part of the problem. To keep the exploited work force, if not exactly happy, not in a state of civil rebellion either requires them to believe that they live in a democracy and therefore have an input. It is becoming more and more obvious that this illusion is becoming very transparent. Virtually all countries in the so called developed world have governments based upon the mother of all governments, the British system of Representative Democracy. Representative Democracy is a form of government whereby the people vote in other people to represent them. Individually each person has little power but collectively this power is considerable. When we give this considerable power to a few individuals it naturally corrupts them and instead of working for the good of the electorate they work for the good of themselves, continuously strengthening their powerbase and wealth. Not only do we give them unlimited power and wealth but we pay them to do it and we allow them to set their own wages as there are no built in safeguards, crazy. We only now have the power to vote for which dictator we prefer. A truly Direct Democracy would be socialist as it represents the people but the reality is, a Representative Democracy only represents the people in power and that is capitalism. In other words Representative Democracy is a pseudo democracy and cannot be reformed from within, which is why it has to be replaced from without. A true Direct Democracy is Socialist therefore it cannot be Capitalist which is why there are virtually no Direct Democracies anywhere in the world. Likewise, when Capitalism falls, it will take with it Representative Democracy as Representative Democracy cannot survive without Capitalism as they also have a symbiotic relationship. https://docs.google/file/d/0By0rGjglp2pnS1lGc1kyeU5pVEE/edit?usp=sharing
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 20:17:07 +0000

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