Hi Kari Was Santa good to me? Well, let me tell you about - TopicsExpress


Hi Kari Was Santa good to me? Well, let me tell you about Christmas Eve. I was rather tired from wrapping those last minute gifts. I wish I had bought some nice Christmas paper. All I had was tissue paper, some end of the roll tape and some very nice tags I had made myself. The wrapping job was a success. I hope my children and their husbands enjoy their presents. It took me all of thirty minutes to enter and exit Wal-Mart. Shopping near closing time and having the inventory depleted to a few items made my job so much easier. I tucked the presents under the Christmas tree and retired for the night. (Sometime I shall tell you how I, by myself, solved my fake tree will not stand up straight dilemma). There was a strong wind howling and a light rain pelted the windows. Santas reindeer were having a difficult time keeping on course for my rooftop. Twice the sleigh missed the roof and had to circle again. Finally on the third try the reindeer landed safely. Did you know there is a new reindeer as part of Christmas eves flight. Yes, the new reindeer is called Bob. He is in the middle of others, that way he doesnt do too much damage. I dont know if he will be part of the team next year. Bob talks too much. Santa alighted from the sleigh. Actually I think he didnt alight but stepped heavily from the sleigh. Santa after all is a rather heavy set man. Quite understandable, eating all those cookies and sweets. Probably gains about 100 pounds in twenty four hours. He shouldered the red present sack and found the chimney. With a twinkle in his eye he floated down the chimney and landed in the fireplace. Black soot billowed out everywhere. Santa sneezed, farted and stepped into the living room. Where ever Santa steps a faint sprinkling of snow lands. He takes a gift from his present sack and carefully places it under the tree. Quietly he says Merry Christmas Maxine. He flicks the side of his nose and with a flash he is in his sleigh ready for the next home. The reindeer rise up and take flight. With a blink they are gone. All that can be heard is Where are we going next? Huh, where? Bob, shut up!. I awake in the morning and slowly get out of bed. Put on my slippers, housecoat and putter into the kitchen. I put the kettle on to boil. Since I dont drink coffee or tea I grab a packet of chicken noodle soup. I love the stock, somewhat salty but absolutely delicious. I wander out to the living room. I sit on the couch and notice there is an extra present. Hmmm, I didnt wrap that one. The kettle is blowing its whistle. I scamper to the kitchen and pour some hot water in my mug. Carefully I take the mug to the living room coffee table and set it down. I walk over to the tree and pick up a little red box with a gold bow. I look at the tag. It reads To Maxine From Santa. Wow, for me. I sit down, sip my soup and undo the gold bow. I unwrap the little box and take off the lid. An amazing thing happens. There nestled in the box is a Wish. One precious Wish for anything in the world I may desire. I know my Wish. I will keep my Wish close to my heart and pray every night for it to come true.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 22:38:26 +0000

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