Hi Malcolm, Thank you for your email reply on my concerns of - TopicsExpress


Hi Malcolm, Thank you for your email reply on my concerns of the planned cut back and ceasing of support for community TV. I read with interest your interviews and statements of the reasons why and how it is the better direction forward for the community to watch the community TV on the internet. What a fantastic idea and with the Goverments full implementation of national broadband network in which you reduced in bandwidth and speed to a level lower than a third world country, which is only going to be available to a minority of the population of Australia I am extremely impressed by your Goverment plan for Community TV. Now I am one of the lucky Australian population who live a vast distance from remote city as Melbourne in fact I am only 37km East of Melbourne as the crow flies yet a vast distance from advancement and plans of Goverment implementation of technology. Now just to let you understand as you have obviously been bamboozled by your own Goverment employed technology nerds that we are all in a situation to embrace your plans of streaming live video on the internet. Well the fact is that in most Australian suburban areas where you may not realise the majority of the poor mortals who are forced to vote only have copper wire telephone wires laid back in the early 20th century which we are still paying rent for and are in extremely poor condition and have incredible losses. Losses and the distance from the exchange to the customer dictate if it is possible to stream or not to stream live video and you must understand we do not have in most cases any other options of a faster or better internet access. Now I realise with your life of living with shall I suggest the old expression asilver spoon in your mouth and listening to the constant bull dust from all in politics you may actually believe the propaganda which is being spooked and of course how would you know any different after all living in a protected isolated environment , in which facts of the real world are hidden. This is not your fault you just have not experienced what we are living with. To give you an idea of how bad this idea is I have two friends one living in Emerald Victoria and the other in Mt Everlyn Victoria. Both classed as residential suburbs of Melbourne . Both of my friends do not even have access to ADSL or decent mobile phone coverage so with your Goverments great plan with Community TV how would it be possible to stream live Community TV on the internet? My friends currently have access via RF TV capabilities to watch Community TV so what are your plans so they will not be disadvantaged and still may have access? Malcolm I do not mean to be personal and apologise if I come across this way however what your team are telling you is a major dis service to the Australian people and until you can implement a cost effective internet fast broadband system available to all, this plan of shutting down Community TV via RF transmission is a very poor action to implement and not an option to achieve a like for like service over the same existing coverage area. I hope this email may let you see form another point of view from real Australians and I look forward to hearing from you hopefully with another view. Regards, Greg Treble. On Friday, September 26, 2014, Turnbull, Malcolm (MP) wrote: Dear Greg, Thank you for your recent email regarding the future of Community Television At present, Community Television transmitter licences are due to expire at the end of 2014. The Government will extend their licences to December 31, 2015. Following this 16-month transition, the Government believes that the best long-term outcome for Community Television is to use the internet as its distribution platform. Here is a link to a blog I wrote outlining why I think the transition to internet as a delivery platform is the natural fit for Community TV: malcolmturnbull.au/media/the-future-of-community-tv I also wrote a piece this week for the Age/SMH that may be of further interest to you: theage.au/comment/shifting-community-tv-to-the-net-is-a-better-fit-20140922-10k7pz.html Kind regards, Malcolm Turnbull
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 10:40:48 +0000

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