Hi. My name is Joe and Im running as a write-in candidate for - TopicsExpress


Hi. My name is Joe and Im running as a write-in candidate for Commissioner in Hamilton Country, Ohio. My opponents have already plastered the county with billboards, postcards, pamphlets and what not from their well funded campaigns. But you know what? While they spend a cool million on all of that signage, there is one bit of signage they arent campaigning against, but they should be. The for sale sign. In the past 20 years the population of our county has has dropped by 7%. 60,000 people have left the county to find their fortunes elsewhere. The population has made a tiny bit of a rebound in the past 2 years (by 2,000 people), but we cant seem to keep our youth here. They get educated, and then get out. We have an airport servicing the county, that isnt even in the county, yet the prices to use it assure that people go, up to and over, 100 miles away to use airports in smaller cities. These airports even have the nerve to advertise on local media about how much better they are than our own airport. We are supposedly a conservative county, yet we have no problem having the administration of the schools here split among 23 different bodies, and we all pay for them in one form or another. To even get a 10 mile stretch of road plowed, it can be at the whim of 15 different budgets. Think about it. Take route 42 from or route 4, or route 3, and drive from the 275 to downtown, then see how many incorporated villages, towns, townships, and cities you drive through. Ive done this avoid traffic on I-75, and I will tell you, the concepts of snow removal, and infrastructure maintenance have varied definitions in the many jurisdictions. Drive down I-75 and also know you are at the mercy of several different police districts. We have chosen to live with this administrative nightmare. Heck we pay for it. But 60,000 people have opted not to. How many more will decide that this wonderful place, is just not worth the hassle? Why arent my opponents talking about how our county isnt a destination, but a thorough fair on the way to someplace more accommodating? A shrinking populace means we have a dwindling tax base, at a time when costs continue to skyrocket, thus those who chose to stay, are taxed more. My opponents ideas are to propose more austerity, when the means of streamlining administration and costs are staring them right in the face. 50 different municipal administrations, 23 different educational administrations, and all of them staying afloat with your tax money. They will only ask for more. There are counties with bigger populations, who have significantly less administration. Indianapolis/Clark county, Indiana, is one, yet we choose this boondoggle. Tomorrow, write in my name, Joseph Withnell, for Hamilton County Commissioner. Oh yeah and I approved this message or something. I mean it was kinda just rambling.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:26:30 +0000

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