Hi! My name is Leslie Woodall, im chases wife :) Marriage is - TopicsExpress


Hi! My name is Leslie Woodall, im chases wife :) Marriage is awesome hehe. I love life and its so beautiful! God has set me free from people so i can just love them the way He does!!!! FREELY! UNCONDITIONALLY! HAPPILY! :) Its so amazing when God gives you the revelation that you dont lack ANYTHING! And that there is NOTHING you need outside of Him!! Wahoo!!!! There are so many teachings on how we NEED people and need to be CONNECTED to eachother, but the truth is we dont NEEeeD to, we just get to! If you need people there is an expectation that your putting on them that isnt health or right or love. Thats the most beautiful thing about being friends with Jesus, He satisfies everything SO deep there is nothing left to get met outside of him!!!! Gosh its just gorgeous! Then instead of needing people for yourself and your own needs, you want to be around them so you can love them and serve them and build them up! If you are experience offense, frustration, or any other emotion towards people that isnt the fruit of the holy spirit did you know it actually isnt their fault? its your own. haha! That sounds so offensive but it isnt!!! its freeing!!! You actually get to be free from people and from circumstances and environments! Why would you get offended if you didnt need anything from them? Why would you get frustrated if you dont need anything from them you just wanted to love them? It doesnt make any sense! Love is selfless and whenever we are pursuing relationships or connections or anything for ourself or our own needs or even confronting for ourselves then it isnt love no matter what you say. To operate in perfect love you have to be FREE from yourself and your needs and the only way to do that is letting jesus satisfy all those!!!!! A big one i have been seeing is value....people wanting others to value them or value their voice, or value their feelings...when in all reality if someone is deceived they cant give you that! Its impossible! Or even if someone isnt deceived and they just didnt respond the exact way you want them to, all of a sudden your value string just got plucked and you got offended with them! For no reason but because you were asking for something and they didnt give it to you. If we live like that we are gonna be hurt all the time. Oh its just terrible to live like that! I used to have strings and they would get plucked all the time and i couldnt even think that straight! And then Jesus taught me i didnt need what i was asking people for and it was freedom! The Holy Spirit began to convict me (that really awesome kind of conviction that tastes like cookies!) anytime i would ask anybody for anything...tell me im amazing...tell me im wise...tell me what God is teaching me is valuable...tell me im valuable...tell me wow your giftings are awesome...all these things i wanted to hear, until I heard them from God myself and lost all my needs in Him! He set me FREe TO LoVe without putting any expectations or agendas on my time and relationships with the people i loved! Then my time with them became light! Then my relationships stopped being so touchy (not physically but heart touchy) I didnt feel awkwardly vulnerable anymore with my needs haha. I felt free...it didnt matter if they accepted me or rejected me or delighted in me or didnt! Doesnt make any difference if it isnt about me anymore!!! When you get lost in love your free to love and your rooted in who Jesus says you are and who you are to Him and thats all that means anything to you! Its AMAZING! Who wants this?! come and get it! :) its free!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:02:59 +0000

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