Hi Peoples! Now I thought I would tell you of a STRANGE and EERIE - TopicsExpress


Hi Peoples! Now I thought I would tell you of a STRANGE and EERIE tale from long, long, long, long, LONG ago ,yes it was that long ago! it was that long ago it was about eighty feet well before decimalization, it was in the winter of eighteen seventy three, it was close to the bewitching hour, they were showing repeats on UK GOLD again, it was a dark and moon-lit night you could she the sun peeping through the trees, in the darkness you could see owls scurrying back to there holes, the wolves were collecting their nuts for the summer, and you could hear the eerily and scary wolf cries form the squirrels in the trees of the woods, I was out looking for something I was told I would find near the mountain by the sea were the trees in the sea grow to very, very, very small heights making you feel dizzy at the prospect of trying to climb them, the trees were growing on a plateau about half way up the mountain, the sea cascading over the edge of the plateau, I was looking for the long lost and infamous and very big, OLD EMPTY BARN, it was last seen in the depths of the valley called the valley of the OLD EMPTY BARN, it was when I turned left at the junction of high hills meadow, adjacent to the lower depths of the adjacent road to OLD EMPTY BARN WAY that I turned right as the little old lady of opposite cottage just down the road that was very, very near the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN had told me to go, when I neared the location of were the OLD EMPTY BARN was supposed to be located, about twenty seven miles from the cottage of the old lady that new the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN, that was about ten minutes past eighteen seventy three just off the M 193 near the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN that I would eventually spy through the smell of the mists that were rolling over the trees that were in the valley near the junction high up the valley towards the mountains that the trees were growing to incredibly small heights the sort of that I could not climb for my fear of falling up the incredibly small heights, you know don’t you the sort of heights that were claustrophobic to me because I had forgotten to take my travel sick pills, the sort of pills that anybody has to take when they are trying to find the location of the infamous OLD EMPTY BARN, the OLD EMPTY BARN that was very near the lady that lives in the opposite cottage to the cottage across the road of the cottage that the old Lady that knows the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN lives, which is very near to the lost OLD EMPTY BARN that was up the valley down by the mountains by the sea of the very small heights of trees near the valley were the OLD EMPTY BARN is located. Through the smell of the mists I could see in the darkness that was lit by the bright sun of the night, the outline of what I presumed must be the OLD EMPTY BARN, it was as I grew! about a foot in height closer and closer in the depths of the night that I was nearing the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN, the OLD EMPTY BARN that had taken me about an hour to write of, that you are reading now as I near the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN that had taken me since eighteen seventy three to find because the lady of the opposite cottage that was opposite to the cottage of the cottage of the lady that knew the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN that I was at last nearing as I could see it dead ahead through the mists that I smelt as I neared the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN, once near the dark abyss that stood before me that I had a job to see because the sun was blacker than I had ever seen it before in the depths of the day that was the night that stood before me that I found the location of the infamous OLD EMPTY BARN, the OLD EMPTY BARN was as vast as the colour that was the size of my trusty mobile phone that I always carried while I was riding my bike trying to find the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN that was up the mountain that was in the valley that the OLD EMPTY BARN was supposed to be in, near the sea were the humongously small trees were growing. You by this time could cut the air with the trusty Swiss army knife that I always carried every time I went out searching for the infamous OLD EMPTY BARN, on this first ever search that I had undertaken year after year in my search for the OLD EMPTY BARN, that I was now upon finishing for the very last first time, I looked left, then I looked right, then I looked up before I looked down upon what was the vastness of the OLD EMPTY BARN, I could see no doorway or any means to get in to see what was the mystery that was the mystery of what was the OLD EMPTY BARN, I decided to flip a coin heads I win, tales I lose. if I win I will turn right if I lose I don’t get the option, I lost so could not have the choice so must turn right, after the length of time that seemed about a mile I turned to find yet another side to the OLD EMPTY BARN, after walking for about twenty four minutes without seeing a door to the side of the OLD EMPTY BARN I turned right again I could smell by this time that the OLD EMPTY BARN was perfectly square, I continued at the same great speed that was my stride that I had walked after the first right turn and turned again. after walking for about twenty minutes I could tell by now the smell of the side was getting smaller so I could tell the OLD EMPTY BARN was perfectly square, upon turning another right turn I could tell I was probably nearing to finding the answer of the mystery that was the OLD EMPTY BARN I see in the distance what appeared to be a doorway in to the OLD EMPTY BARN after walking at the same speed I had walked after turning the first two right turns after about 2 hours I could feel by the smell that I was nearing the end of my task to find what was the mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN, in these dark dingy days that were brightly lit by many LED lights many years ago in the future days of eighteen seventy three upon reaching what appeared to be a door I could see it was a banksy and not a door at all after this bitter disappointment I continued, surely I must be nearing the end to my very tediously long short journey to find what was the answer to the mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN, I turned right again surely it has to be round a corner somewhere after walking for what seemed hours which turned out to be about ten minutes past the twenty four initial miles I had turned several times before the more right turns I had completed, but to know avail, I came to the conclusion that the OLD EMPTY BARN mystery was well worth the smell I had taken in time to find it thanks to the lady that lives in the opposite cottage to the lady of the opposite cottage that knows were the mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN can finally be solved, after all these right turns I knew I was heading it the wrong location so by the smell of the night that was the mist of the sun that was the darkness of the solitude I found myself in with all the people that were following me I had passed on the way, I about faced and sure enough after walking for approximately twenty one and half past the hour in solitude with all the curious passers by I followed I turned left and at last way behind me after following the sides of the OLD EMPTY BART I came up against the latest in electric canter levered doors, was I finally at the end of my task to find what was the mystery that was of the OLD EMPTY BARN, I tried to turn the handle but to no avail was I finally going to be stopped by a locked door, no I said to myself so with my trusty Swiss army phone I cut a call to the local locksmith, I could not believe my ears when he said he was really happy and could not say how joyously sorry he was because his new environmentally friendly van had gained a puncture and because this was Eighteen seventy three he could not find a garage let alone one that repairs punctures to tubeless tyres so he could not plug his tyres in to charge the batteries, so there was no way he could get to me with his sat nav to find the location of the OLD EMPTY BARN, what was I to do there must be some way to get into the OLD EMPTY BARN, eureka I said as a strange bulb flashed above my head, had I just come up with the answer of how to get into the OLD EMPTY BARN I looked under the door mat that was high above me on what was the roof of the doorway to the OLD EMPTY BARN, sure enough there was a card key that I immediately swiped, the door magically opened I was finally going to find what the mystery was about the OLD EMPTY BARN, as the doors swung open on this brightly lit sweltering dark winters night a foggy haze came out the doors to greet me, as the fog started to lift I could finally see and solve the mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN,. Please tell your friends about the story so far about the fascinating mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN and very soon a long time ago from now, tomorrow I will tell you the thrilling, stunning, probably nearly exciting conclusion of the Mystery of the OLD EMPTY BARN, about 49 minutes past the hour that is high noon O’clock , more to follow I think, there for I am, don’t miss the exciting start of this tale tomorrow.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:32:15 +0000

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