Hi. Please may I get a private post? I was just wandering if - TopicsExpress


Hi. Please may I get a private post? I was just wandering if anybody elses little ones have a phobia problem with public toilets? My little girl is almost 7 yrs old and foe as long as I can remember has had this complete phobia about public toilets. She goes into a blind panic about the look of the toilets, weather there is paper already down them, weather theyre blocked, if the person in the next cubicle will flush or not, etc etc. She gets herself so worked up sometimes shell start shaking uncontrollably, crying, screaming, kicking out and running away. I talked to her doctor about it a yr ago and was told to deal with it, with patience, perserverence and u derating that it is a real phobia and that shed grow out if it eventually. Well Ive being doing all of that and she now goes through stages of being brilliant at going in public and being incredibly brave but then out of nowhere and for no apparent reason, go back to being completely phobic again. Im getting to the point where I actually dont know what to do about it anymore. Any advice would be Grateley received. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post. Xxx
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:06:55 +0000

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