Hi Students over the next two weeks we are here as a support for - TopicsExpress


Hi Students over the next two weeks we are here as a support for you during your exams with that in mind here are some valuable links for you in the lead up and during your exams: Just Click the link and you’re there. 1. Where is my exam on? https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.10151772813411190.1073741840.184311771189&type=3 2. Exam support – What happens if I’m sick or stressed? https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10151774478116190&set=a.10151772813411190.1073741840.184311771189&type=3&theater 3. Exams Rules (You must click this before exams!) prezi/bfhrxuqmf_bg/copy-of-exam-rules-final-points-before-your-exams/ 4. Exam De-stress prezi/ggnmqj0lbyq1/exam-de-stress/ 5. Exam Skills and prep. prezi/xypcjaezods6/copy-of-exam-skills-prep/ Also as you will be leaving your Limerick houses over the next two weeks here are some tips for leaving and what to do before you leave before returning to a flooded house that’s been broken into. ULSU Note- just before you leave your home after exams https://facebook/notes/university-of-limerick-students-union/before-you-leave-for-christmas-safe-home-and-safe-christmas/10152485934302481 Wishing you all the best of Luck in your exams. Be sure to pop into the Student union photocopy room for some exam treats. Best of luck to all of you and all the best for the holidays All the su team
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 12:44:46 +0000

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