Hi Sweet Friends - I hope youre having a wonderful holiday. I - TopicsExpress


Hi Sweet Friends - I hope youre having a wonderful holiday. I thought Id post an energy update. How have you been feeling? For me, the past two days have felt like a huge clearing and calibration are taking place Ive been exhausted and my sleep pattern has been off. When I check in about what is taking place, it feels like were being prepared to walk through the gateway of opportunities that will be born with the new year. This past year weve shed so many old paradigms. We were guided through a time of deep transformation in service to coming into an ascended expression of consciousness. The angels are surrounding us with love as we move through this time of healing. They ask us to let go of preconceptions of what this process is supposed to look like. Be gentle with yourself and let it be OK that you are exactly where you are right now. We can learn a lot from the plant kingdom when it comes to the cycle of the seasons. There is a time for dormancy. A time to let the roots grow deep. Theres a time for majestic blossoming of life. However we dont all go through this cycle at the same time or in the same way. We each have our own organic way of moving through these times of transformation. I encourage you to find your own way of navigating change. Do you require more sleep? More prayer? Walks in nature? Reading an inspiring book? Laughing with loved ones? The key is to find what is authentic for your well-being and take good care of yourself. You are on a miraculous journey of healing and transformation. This takes time. It takes love. It takes courage. Keep on the path, sweet ones. Youre doing so much better than you know!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 17:39:53 +0000

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