Hi Sweet Friends- I hope youre enjoying the first days of 2015. - TopicsExpress


Hi Sweet Friends- I hope youre enjoying the first days of 2015. If social media is the mirror, it would seem as if everything is BRIGHT and SHINY and everyone is happy and excited about the year ahead. And I know that is true for many. But embarking upon a new year, especially if youre infusing new hopes and dreams upon the next 365 days, can feel a bit daunting. When we claim a new dream, all the unresolved material that is not a vibrational match to where it is we want to go becomes inflamed and demands attention. If you claimed a big intention for this year and now find yourself slogging through the muck of the shadow, youre not alone. Ive seeded some wonderful & heartfelt dreams upon the next 365 days. Rather than feeling elated, though, Ive felt weighed down by the expectation and the how the heck am I going to do this syndrome. My fears and doubts have come knocking on the door and screaming for attention. These are the aspects of me that need compassion and healing in service to moving forward. Couple this with the heavy energy present in the world right now and it makes for a tender time. So if your stuff is up, meet it for tea. Sit down. Have a talk. Ask it what it needs from you. Dive into the wisdom of your soul. You are being refined and calibrated to support the co-creations you seek. You are being healed. You are being called forth into a brighter expression of consciousness in service to your souls path. Be gentle with yourself if its not all sunshine and roses along the way. Sometimes rebirth is scary and exhausting. But its worth it. So heres to a year of living boldly with courage and joy. Heres to celebrating our big bold success and treating ourselves with love when we stumble and fall. You are blossoming open and your angels are with you. Love, Laurel
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:46:29 +0000

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