Hi Tammy Brown :) I have done a 3 Card General Tarot Reading - TopicsExpress


Hi Tammy Brown :) I have done a 3 Card General Tarot Reading for you. Have a lovely week :) Card One represents : The Challenge Card Drawn : The Star Card Meaning : You have the opportunity to relax into a time of calm, healing and grace. Your heart is wide open and you deeply feel your connection to Source, to God, the Great Mystery, the Universe, the Divine, etc. It is a most blessed time of hope and peace. Now is a good time to begin the practice of gratitude, of giving thanks. When our hearts are full, its easy to be thankful. If we begin the practice now, it will be easier to sustain when times are rough. Follow your star, for it will guide you home Card Two represents : The Challenge Card Drawn : The Moon Card Meaning : You are being challenged to be aware of the lunar cycle as a model for any life cycle, whether it is a relationship, a job or a creative project. Knowing your place in this cycle can help put your current issues in perspective. Have you just begun a new relationship, or are you thinking of leaving your job? This card may mean that your latent psychic abilities are waking up, and you are learning to trust your intuition. This may be frightening or confusing if you have spent most of your life guided by the clear light of rationality. The more familiar you become with the language of dreams, symbol and myth, the more comfortable you will be with the gifts that the Moon has to offer. Keep a dream journal, study the arts, open yourself up to non-linear ways of knowing. Card Three Represents : The Resolution Card Drawn : The Tree Card Meaning : Resolution comes with letting go. You are no longer in charge of your life. You must surrender to the flow. It isnt a time to resist, for everything is out of your control. Give it up. Your world may feel like its been turned upside down. You can fight this reversal you can go into it kicking and screaming or you can surrender with grace and take it as an opportunity to see your life from a different perspective. It is a time to take no action, other than meditation and prayer. Learn to be still. During this time of suspension and waiting, you may discover within yourself the gifts of inspiration, enlightenment and unconditional love. Tammy Brown
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:25:59 +0000

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