Hi There - I know most of us on this page are active in the - TopicsExpress


Hi There - I know most of us on this page are active in the community and have children that are active in the community as well. Buckeye has put out a survey to find out about how to spend recreation dollars in the upcoming years, as I am sure you have seen both of the major Buckeye parks are jam packed with sports activities every night of the week. Please take the time to take the survey below and express your interest in more Buckeye recreational opportunities such as parks and pools. Please feel free to read the email below as well. Thanks for your help!!! Apparently the preliminary responses to the survey are: no new parks and recreation of any kind. I am going to attach a letter from Kathy Choitz the Buckeye pool manager. If you can please take a couple minutes for this survey if you havent already, I would appreciate it. Feel free to send this on to anyone you know in Buckeye who might like to see more parks and possibly a second pool here. Thanks! On Monday, November 17, 2014 5:43 PM, Kathy Choitz wrote: Dear Parents, I just came from a meeting with Miranda Gomez who is one of my supervisors with the City of Buckeye. While it was not the main topic of the meeting, while I was there we discussed the fact that our opportunity to get a second pool built in Buckeye may be slipping away. The majority of the surveys that have come in have come from our two retirement communities. The respondents have said that what they want is more trail and open spaces, the comments on the survey have been that no money should be spent on recreation facilities including pools. Since most of these residents have pools either in their backyards or in their retirement communities, along with tennis courts, golf courses and other amenities they may not understand the need for not only pools but sports fields and other recreation facilities for the rest of the residents of the City. Miranda tells me that all of the sports fields in the City are as tightly scheduled as the pool is. If the recreation department employees present the surveys as they currently stand they will have to tell the City Council that there is little to no interest in building a second pool. I know that I have asked you to fill this out already but I am asking again and I am asking that you pass it on to everyone that you know that participates in the Cities recreation programs and ask them to fill it out. Please explain the urgency if we don’t get several hundred people to fill this out in the next week or so it will be at least 5 years before we get another chance. Thanks, Kathy https://surveymonkey/s/HKM8SDQ This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. Like Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan Survey Web survey powered by SurveyMonkey. Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkeys expert certified FREE templates. SURVEYMONKEY.COM
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 17:57:00 +0000

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