Hi Vinnie, Thanks for your question. Generally it is good courtesy - TopicsExpress


Hi Vinnie, Thanks for your question. Generally it is good courtesy to end the conversation with a goodbye even if you are angry and upset with each other, it isn’t really acceptable and it isn’t really good practice to just hang up on someone, it is very rude and disrespectful to do that. But the flip side to that is that, sometimes we can get pushed too far and become so angry that we behave irrationally, people can behave very badly out of anger and that doesn’t necessarily make them a bad person, it just means that they are not the nicest of people when they are angry and it shows that they are human and we should always try to make allowances for each other when we behave a certain way out of anger. That kind of behaviour is forgivable and you will probably laugh about it later in the future. But as a rule, you should establish that even when you are angry with each other you will still try to remain respectful and courteous to each other. Once you have that agreement you can make allowances for the occasional irrational act of dropping the phone without saying goodbye, but if it becomes common practice and a regular occurrence even after you’ve both agreed that you will always remain courteous and never drop the phone on eachother without saying goodbye then there is a problem and it suggests that the other person is intentionally being disrespectful just to get at you because they are unhappy with you and that is not acceptable because the objective of disagreements is to try and reach a resolution not to get at each other or see who can hurt the other person the most. That then becomes a childish and foolish game to play which will ultimately destroy the relationship. Hope this helps Thanks fans for comments G-PANGE.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 06:23:14 +0000

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