Hi Whowillbe, I have some deep seated insecurities which I can - TopicsExpress


Hi Whowillbe, I have some deep seated insecurities which I can never be rid of. I have provided glimpses of these in my blog before. They are, of course, very piecemeal in nature and scattered. I cannot remember where they are exactly. I do remember that I also shared in the comments sections of a couple of other blogs but I have never really blogged about these insecurities in their entirety. I try not to relive those years. OK, I will be brief, I hope. My family almost went bankrupt when I was entering my teens and our financial hardship lasted many years. Those years left a mark on me. I hinted about the financial hardship my family went through in a few blog posts before and a couple of these which I can remember are: With some difficulty, AK says good-bye. and The secret to avoiding financial ruin. My family learned then first hand that banks are fair weather friends and I developed a strong aversion for debt. I try to avoid borrowing money for anything where possible. Sleeping in the living room of a 3 room flat for some years as a teenager was a humbling experience too. It was awkward too. I learned early on in life how finances could go wrong so badly and so quickly and how not having enough money was a terrible thing, how being indebted was much worse. Living with the constant threat of losing whatever we had left was very stressful but my parents tried to give us as normal a life as they could. I dont know how they did it. Those years of financial hardship left me with scars and I believe that anyone who had similar experience will always have shadows haunting them. Do I have enough money? Maybe, it is not enough. What about my parents? Do I have enough to take care of them? What about my younger siblings? So, I tend to overcompensate. I tend to save as much money as possible. I put away much more in my emergency fund than what some people think is necessary. I do this although, financially, we became more comfortable as I graduated from university and started working. I craved greater financial security and certainty. The CPF-SA was a natural candidate and I blogged about how I transferred funds from my OA to my SA in the first few years of my working life and that was almost 20 years ago. There are many clues littered throughout the blog about the way I think and why. Of course, I dont expect anyone to piece all the clues together to understand AK the giam siap fellow but, surprisingly, some readers do seem to understand me quite well. Maybe, they have had similar experience. I dont know. I know there are cynics. I know there are sceptics. Many tell me to ignore them. I tell myself the same thing. However, I would appreciate some kindness. If they cannot be kind, at least try not to be unkind. Is that too much to ask for? I just realised I was holding my breath all this while as I typed this. Sigh. LOL. OK, I will stop here. :) singaporeanstocksinvestor.blogspot.sg/2014/12/disastrous-investments-in-property.html?showComment=1419865162085#c1993769928724461225
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:07:27 +0000

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