Hi Yall! Im Erin Strough and this is my Thrive experience! Im a - TopicsExpress


Hi Yall! Im Erin Strough and this is my Thrive experience! Im a stay at home mother of 3 amazing children and spouse to an American Soldier. I am also a veteran, for the last 7 years since I have been out of the Army I have found myself in a rut. Going from an active duty solider to homemaker was probably the most difficult things Ive ever had to do, in the physical sense. I went from being very active, doing PT every morning, having energy and feeling good. To staying at home with our first baby, and not getting very much exercise at all. In the military you have no option to miss the morning PT, so there was never excuses. Then suddenly staying at home, not having to report to morning formations or do PT, and living in a foreign country where there was not a gym with childcare available, so to find an excuse was not difficult at all. Fast forward 7 years, we now have 3 children, have all the resources to use to be active but was missing the energy, some could say that the 3 kids, 3 dogs, a full time college student/Army husband, and a student myself would be reasonable excuse’s... my house was a WRECK, I was constantly struggling to get the mornings going, I had to get all 3 kids up, change diapers, feed the kids, make the school lunch, dress the kids, do their hair, feed the dogs, make the coffee, and out the door on time for school... most days I did this, screaming, with at least 2 out of the 3 kids crying, some days Mommy was even crying. The dishes and laundry where both mountains... life was just a freakn mess, ALL.THE.TIME! I started my #Thrive experience about 2 weeks ago. I am truly and utterly shocked at how much my life has changed, I didnt think it was possible and I was for sure the things I was hearing where too good to be true. But then one of my close friends said she was using it, I knew if she liked it that there was a legitimate reason. So I got a 7 day trial from her and gave it a try. Mind you, that at this point I was being teased for even considering it because I had been such a skeptic about everything I had heard. Day 1: I could tell something was different but really couldnt put my finger on it. At this point I was still thinking this stuff wont do what Ive heard it does, theres just no way. Day 2: OHHHH!!! So thats what a good nights rest is? Wait, its 5am!? I didnt even realize until this point that I hadnt been getting good sleep... and now Im up at ready to conquer the day and its 5am? Now Im thinking something is up... because NO ONE should be this chipper at 5am! I was thrilled, did my hair, did the dishes, had the kids up, everyone fed and dressed... everything was different about this morning, everything went smooth and there were no tears!! I didnt know what to think, I was stumped. Day 3: Woke up at 5 am AGAIN!!! I felt rested and ready to conquer the day!! I knew, with 1000% certainty that I was now an official #Thriver. This has changed everything! For the first time in as long as I could remember, I hadnt drank the entire pot of coffee ( no lie, Im a pot of coffee a day gal!). I wasnt even making it anymore. I had been hitting the gym, and killing my workouts, with energy to spare!! 10 days in and if my Mother walked into our house, shed be for sure think that I hired a cleaning lady. I got my husband Thriving and we are a team thats on FIRE, dishes done daily, laundry not only done every day but also put away. I clean my bathrooms daily and my house is picked up every night before I lay down to sleep. I go to sleep at 9pm now and no longer stay awake for the additional 2+ hours trying to fall asleep. I wake up early and every morning I tell myself that I LOVE my mornings. I have it together now, my patience is greater and my children have a mommy they can enjoy. My husband and daughter have packed lunches pre-made in the fridge, and I feel like the 2014 version of June Cleaver. This last weekend my son was admitted to the hospital, this was the 2nd time this year and again, I give Thrive all the credit for getting me through it. The first time he was admitted I was a wreck, stressed yelling at the hospital staff, TIRED and just not a nice person from all of the stress. Well, this weekend, a different Momma stayed with her son in the hospital. No one goes to the hospital for rest, we all know that those nurses are in and out of the rooms a dozen times at night. I woke up, still about 5am, felt rested and in a pleasant mood. I was able to cope with the stress much better then I had the first time he was admitted and I know it had to do with Thrive. I cant give Le-Vel enough credit or thanks for turning me into a nicer person. Thrive has changed me, Im motivated, less stressed, happy... PRODUCTIVE! Thank you Le-Vel... THANK YOU!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:56:54 +0000

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