Hi all, A true fingerprint ignition system. It can store 200 - TopicsExpress


Hi all, A true fingerprint ignition system. It can store 200 fingerprints. It controls 2 relays. The first one is your usual ignition and the second one - to limiting power. How does it work? Pressing latching switch energizes the system, then you scan your finger, red switch LED lights up and your vehicle is life. You press it again, switch LED changes to green, and now it is in limited power mode, scan again and it goes back in full power mode, infinite loop. There are 2 users to enroll. First is Administrator, second is User. Administrator can change power mode when scanning fingerprint and User has limited power profile. Whenever User scans hes fingerprint, switch LED goes into green and limited power engages, scanning second time gives visual indication, red LED blinks twice and goes back into green, limited power. This option is good to have your kids use the vehicle with limited power. Here is a prototype: https://lh3.googleusercontent/-Ypd2gFvLsko/VE0lv6bK1sI/AAAAAAAAIvo/xNt4eV_T85I/s640/20141026_180134.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent/-Jch-7B7CT_Q/VE0lxOihtSI/AAAAAAAAIvw/omHzAfCvqn0/s640/20141026_180148.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent/-TRwxumWFrYw/VE0lyAX5S0I/AAAAAAAAIv4/QMmiBhpfFcw/s640/20141026_180206.jpg The finished product will be made out of aluminium, anodized, yet to confirm colors, black for sure. There will be no visible bolts just rounded 40x100x5mm plate with switch and scanner panel, mounting bolts welded at the bottom: https://lh5.googleusercontent/-jIPFU8dvXdE/VE0wkg3RLlI/AAAAAAAAIwI/B4DFGUp24Eg/s640/detale_virsus.jpg There will be a gasket to waterproof it from outside and if all goes good plastic cover with connector from inside. Here is a short vid: youtu.be/PVeeVSsBmec Needs 12V for power(?). The enrollment of fingerprints is done via mini USB (Arduino based device). I am hoping to rise some interest and basically take pre-production orders. As i always say, i am small operator and dont have too much funds to invest. It will be probably 1 month ordering time an 3 months manufacturing to delivery.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:06:17 +0000

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