Hi all I thought I would copy and paste this here as well. I saw - TopicsExpress


Hi all I thought I would copy and paste this here as well. I saw this from a poster who lives in NJ and she is sooo on target that we need to step up our game. Her name is Carol Ann Costanzo- Bsarany. REMEMBER HOW HITLER DID IT!! IT STARTED WITH GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE CONTROL!! (If we dont remember history we are destined to repeat it) Hitler introduced socialized health care to Germany during his reign of terror. Shortly after that he began eliminating all non-essential people by using his death camps. Those camps were not introduced to the people as places they would die. Oh no, they were introduced as places where the government would take care of them. The German economy was bad and people were suffering in many ways. Health care was an issue, but just not starving to death was even a greater issue. The media told the people they would be provided for and taken care of by moving to these camps, so they reluctantly, but willingly, marched off like helpless and dumb sheep with their families so the government would take care of them as promised. Later, as Hitler intensified his cleansing of the non-essential people he would force the evacuation of communities for their own good. People were transported by trains to these death camps. Once they walked into the grip of Hitlers government at the train stations, families were separated into groups of women, men, and children, and sent in different directions. At this point the people were helpless prisoners who suddenly realized that Hitler and their government had lied to them through the clever use of the available media that was owned by Hitler. The Hitler soldiers looked closely for all people who looked young, strong and healthy, and set them aside. The old, sick, and disabled were eventually led to their deaths in the most horrific methods possible, all the while many still believing this was just a process for their government to take care of them. The healthy and strong were put to work in these camps as slaves of the government. Many survived the holocaust because of their own ingenuity, but many were ruthlessly killed. In America today we have a modern day Hitler. The attributes and actions of Obama are so similar to what Hitler did it is unbelievable that more Americans dont recognize it. (1) If you are paying attention you know that large FEMA compounds exist, or are under construction, throughout the country. We have been told these are for families who may suffer losses from catastrophic natural disasters and become homeless. There are far too many of them for just that purpose. (2) You also probably know that our government has been positioning huge military equipment vehicles and supplies across major key areas of America, and have been stockpiling huge amounts of ammunition. (3) And you may already know that Obama has authorized thousands of foreign troops from Russia and China, and through the United Nations, to position themselves in silent military style camps in regional locations in very rural areas. As you read this most camps are fully occupied, but many more troops are silently being moved in. They are not coming in wearing uniforms, so you cannot pick them out of a crowd at the airports. (4) If you know anyone in the National Guard you may already know that their key training for the past several years has been how to control civil disorder and violence. Slowly all local police forces are being transformed to a more military style of enforcement for the same reasons. The Obama Government is preparing for a huge civil uprising. Why? Because he is creating an atmosphere where our economy will purposely and violently collapse like happened in Hitlers Germany. This is why he is wasting our money, spending without purpose, supporting his favorite countries and political groups, and driving unemployment to limits we have never known. We are on a definite fast track to financial chaos. This is how nations are destroyed from within and controlled by the big money brokers of the world. It happened in Germany, and it will happen now in America. Its just a matter of when the Obama mob decides to flip the switch. That will probably be when conditions are right for the U.N. to walk in and institute the new One World Order that has been in development for many years. Once the collapse begins the chaos will be unbelievable. The blame game will go crazy and Americans across the country will do whatever they feel is necessary to provide food and care for their families. Civil Violence will erupt and the local and national police forces will be called upon to quell it. The Foreign troops Obama has authorized will have no problem killing Americans in our streets in order to maintain control. Food and water will become scarce for various reasons, and once store shelves go empty people will be jolted into action. This is when you can look forward to Obama insisting that Congress authorize MARTIAL LAW! That will be the end of our Constitution. Obamas military (his faithful) will control our lives and enforce Sharia Law. Unemployed, homeless, and hungry people will do desperate things. Some will steal, fight, and kill, while others will do whatever their government says. Many will march off to the FEMA camps with their families to be taken care of, and never to be seen again. And so the Hitler history will be repeated, only this time there will be no America waiting to fix things and help them. Just remember: IT ALL STARTED WITH A HEALTH CARE PROGRAM that promised us something for nothing. In the end the price we pay will be devastating. FEEL FREE TO SHARE – YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:41:54 +0000

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