Hi all My 2 weeks has gone by way too fast..heading up to Seattle - TopicsExpress


Hi all My 2 weeks has gone by way too fast..heading up to Seattle tomorrow. I have had a great time catching up with friends and relaxing....the relaxing part exists because it get so hot in the afternoon that hanging out is the best we can do. After a day of walking around Santa Rosalia to provision the boat we went over to San Marco island for about three days. We found the snorking here to be about the best we have found in Baja..the variety was incredible ...one day bob went spear fishing with the boys and klye(age 13) and I took a 2 hour kayak ride up to some interesting sea caves..these ones we actually passed through to another beach. We left sweet pea cove early in the morning(3:30) to sail up to sanfranscito about 12 to 14 hours away depending on the winds...this is a very large bay with hiking trails and coyotes that howl at night. The next day we were joined by Dazzler, Lady Carolina and Exodus....the boys went out spearfishing bob actually shot a fish, but it was not that good to go eat..at least he connected with a fish. Steve and Tim are hardcore so they went back in the afternoon for more fish and even some lobster...we gathered on Exodus,it is a catamaran, so more room for dinner. We potluck a lot. Here a clue at how warm it is I baked cookies for the evening. I took the butter out of the freezer and it was ready to mix in less than 5 minutes. After 3 days there we went north about 6 hours to Isla Partida. The anchorage reminds me of being in the center of a volcano..the land scape is very bariren ..maybe this is whatthemoon looks like. The first night we were the only ones there then Dazzler joined us. Bob and Dan went out fishing in the morning..in first 10 minutes caught a Bonita. They came back to boat filleted it and brought it to our freezer to cool down for lunch. I joined them just to get off the boat and cruise around. In a couple of hours they caught 6 yellow fin tuna, a barracuda..no..a neddle nose..no but the tuna was a yes. For lunch we had raw Bonita and tuna over sticky rice and then Dan made sushi rolls?..what a treat..now bob wants to learn how to make sticky rice and where to find the nori? Unfortunately, time was running out so we left Isla Partida Sunday and went back to Sanfrancito...our goal was to have a early departure but the winds picked up and we had lightening all around us for most of the night...down here they are called Chubasco...not to be messed with ..finally about 5:30 am we decided to make a go of it...as we rounded the point the wind was not too strong..maybe 15 knots..but the waves were about 6 ft and close together. I was at the helm..actually where I like to be in rough water...about 3 times we discussed turning back...but I did not want to go back through that mess....I kept looking to the horizon hoping for a brake...it took about a hour and a half but it finally calmed down to just large swells...we took a lot of water over the bow..once right through the window..I was drenched but so what it is 85 out. It took us about 12 hours of hard motoring but we made it......today has been a long day of cleaning the boat. Rinsing of all the salt..wiping down railings..cleaning window..the glamour of cruising. I just bought my bus ticket back to Loreto ..then lax ..to Seattle. Will miss bob and the boat...will enjoy a break from the upper 90 temps..bob will post some pictures tomorrow...the fish before and after...stay tuned. Love to all Joyce
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:59:26 +0000

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