Hi all! Thank you for the add :) Trying to make this short as - TopicsExpress


Hi all! Thank you for the add :) Trying to make this short as possible, but I am desperate for guidance or suggestions. ..support?! My husband was dx crohns 3 years ago. He has not seen a day of remission since. Better days yes, but never for longer than a couple of weeks. He was dx through hospital stay for excruciating pain. After a week they did a colonoscopy and dx crohns. He just now recently finally was able to get health insurance, so options were limited before. He was on asacol for a long time, antibiotics, steroids, naproxen, balsalaside (sp?) From his first colonoscopy it showed ulcer on ileocecal valve, and inflammation that was so severe it prevented them from being able to go past it. Since then, several hospitalizations, many ct scans...all showing 2 areas now he had massive strictures, one illium the other in the colon (last one was a month ago). A week ago he started humira, and had major insomnia and joint pain. After 4 days of literally a combined 4 hours sleep he went to er. Got some sleep meds. Back to dr, they immediately scheduled colonoscopy, which was today. He has been saying for the past week or so he can feel exactly where he has a blockage, so drinking the Golitly was very painful, and overwhelming. So, today during his scope, the dr said he was baffled. His 2 strictures before are completely gone, so the humira is working..AWESOME! However, Alex still has terrible pain in his spot. The dr said his colon doesnt look like hes ever had crohns, and he is questioning the original drs dx. But, there is proof from scans and the past colonoscopy that he did have all the signs! He also had 2 polyps about 3mm, removed for biopsy. Hes 31 so awfully young for those! Next step, specialized ct scan, and pill camera to look into small intestines. No family history of ibd, ibs, colon cancers, nothing!! His dad did have ALS, recently passed :( So, thank you for bearing with me so far..!!! My questions now that you know his basic history: Anyone else around 30 have polyps? What else could this be if not crohns, that looks like crohns? Anyone else have just small intestinal strictures not found on a basic ct? I would think if the ct noticed the others that it would have picked up anything in the small too? Im so so worried it is something far more serious. Sorry so long, Im desperate, and freaking out! Thank you thank you!!!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 01:59:43 +0000

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