Hi all. We will be starting our Warhammer 40k Escalation League - TopicsExpress


Hi all. We will be starting our Warhammer 40k Escalation League this upcoming Thursday July 31st. Please see the rules below. Heroic Knight Games - Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League Rules. This is a free to play league, that is designed to bring our 40k group together. get to know other players, and have fun playing and learning the new 7th Edition rules. The main focus of the league is FUN. With that in mind armies that are created to steamroll the opponent will not be allowed. This is up to the discretion of the store. Of course when we play our 1850 point tournament it will be every person for themselves ;) A big thanks to Chris, Colin, Mark and Peter for helping with the organization and the rules creation. Organization The league is a series of games played over the course of 5 weeks, culminating in a Tournament in the 6th week. Players can play up to 3 games each week (between the beginning of that week and the start of the next one), increasing the number of points in their lists with each successive week. The league begins on Thursday, July 31st. Scoring/Victory Conditions 3 points for a win 2 points for a loss 1 point for a draw Players are encouraged to paint their armies, and prizes will be awarded at the end of the 5 weeks. Army Creation Rules These rules apply during every game unless otherwise stated in the Escalation Schedule section. • Players’ army lists will consist of a single Primary Combined Arms Detachment from a single source codex/army book. o Unbound armies are not allowed. o Lords of War are not allowed. o Only one psyker for the first 3 weeks. o Formations are allowed. • Players must field the same “core force” in each of their lists each week, but other aspects of the list may be freely adjusted from week to week: o The “core force” will consist of 1 HQ and 2 Troop choices from the player’s initial list from the first week’s game. These units must fit into the player’s Primary Detachment. o Players may freely expand the size of these units (adding more models), or change wargear/upgrades, as they see fit. They may not reduce the size of any of the units (remove models) to below the unit’s strength in the first week’s game. • Players are allowed to utilize Foregworld units, and even Forgeworld army lists, as long as these units/armies are officially 40k stamped. Warhammer 30k armies are not allowed. Additional Rules • Models must be WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) for upgrades: it is not necessary to model every single piece of wargear that a model comes with by default, but upgrades must be modeled appropriately. • Extensive conversions are allowed as long as they have pre-approval from the store. Escalation Schedule The schedule below specifies the number of points for each week’s league game, as well as any rule changes • Week 1 (Begins July 31st) - 750 Points • Week 2 (Begins August 7th) - 1000 Points • Week 3 (Begins August 14th) - 1250 Points • Week 4 (Begins August 21st) - 1500 Points o Rule Changes In week 4 and the following weeks Players are no longer subject to the detachment limits. Players may utilize Allied Detachments or additional Combined Arms detachments as they see fit (as long as their lists remain Battle Forged, of course). Additionally, during this week and the following weeks, armies will be allowed to ally with themselves. This means that lists may incorporate one or more Allied Detachments from the same codex/faction as the Primary Detachment, even if the rules would normally not allow this for certain armies. • Week 5 (Begins August 28th) - 1750 Points o Rule Changes During this week and the following week Players may utilize Lords of War units in their army lists, following the normal rules for doing so. Please check with the store before adding a Lord of War to your list, as some of them are just not fun to play against. • Week 6 Tournament (September 4th) - 1850 Points #Issaquah #Bellevue #Redmond #Kirkland #northbend #renton #warhammer40k
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 18:46:35 +0000

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