Hi all. am going to write here again as my little chihuahua went - TopicsExpress


Hi all. am going to write here again as my little chihuahua went back to worse despite going everyday to d vet since Saturday (as soon as I saw her weak), and after that she got better 2 days ago but now she s just helpless. Im going to ask for advice to all you dog owners to understand what I must do as it has been a terrible week for us and I am absolutely hopeless now. On Sunday found her very weak at home and at 6am took her to san frangisk where she was given injections including some antibiotic and vitamins etc as she had diahhrea when we got there. the photo attached is the list of stuff she got. At evening we took her to our vet who gave drip and vitamins. We got home and she vomited lots of blood, so we went back immediately and he gave her even an injection for that. He kept telling us it is worms she has but he must first see her stronger to give her the pill. So we kept injecting her at home and then go to vet everyday after work. she was drinking on her own, and then 2 days ago she realy seemed better and doc told u to come on Monday so he can see her and give her worms tablet. Yesterday afternoon she was worse than ever suddenly however. We went back, again vitamins and drips and today was back, same again. Now Im goung tomo at 1130 am and I would like to know, since she is in pain in her stomach and she is not eating and drinking on her own should we take a brisk and ask vet to adminster the pill for the worms? what would you do? Thanks!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:00:37 +0000

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