Hi all now we have recovered from the long day yesterday I just - TopicsExpress


Hi all now we have recovered from the long day yesterday I just wanted to appologise for some of the pics etc as there were so many horses there yesterday and being we only had a very limited amount of volunteers we tried to cover as many horses as possible. We are always looking for people to be a part of our wonderful team so please inbox us your details and we would be more than happy to send you our volunteer pack explaining what we do about us and explaining what is required. I know this will be a essay once I have finished however I have been sitting on this for a while now so its my way to vent a little I know there will be some who disagree etc however I am at the point this page either continues or we give the negative people what.they want and shut it all down. Yesterday I was actually very disheartened and dissapointed to see such nastiness and so much competition at the yards, I am not sure what this is all coming to as I seen rescues competing against others I heard nasty remarks against us and so many others its an absolute disgrace to be honest. I thought we are all there as we are for the same purpose and that is about helping these horses we go there do what we do for the horses. There was bullying there and because one group doesnt like another group or person words fly around come on people its the horses suffering here not the person you are bickering about or dont like. I am also putting it out here to you all as its a public page and we have nothing to hide and never have. We have heard and seen negative comments about some of our committee and our page and I would like to clarify a few things because i am sick of seeing the lies. We here are the first original group to start this concept it came from an idea from me when I attended the sales I put it on this page and away it went we here have always had haters it could be from personal experience or other pages that do similar to us but now its my time to speak out from me I and the committee do our best with what we have YES our pictures arent the best quality etc however we dont own a 3grand camera if someone would like to donate us one please feel free lol we dont have the money to spend on.motels every week or fortnight unlike some so yes we will stay where we need to we here are simple down to earth Aussie battlers like many and we do our best with what we have for the horses. As for what has been going around same goes and there is always two sides to each story however so many are so quick to get on the bandwagon because its a juicy story or just believe what they see or here on social media. I have been personally attacked and bullied in person via text via inbox and not once was I asked my side even.had a group inbox me with bully tactics not asking my side telling me what was happening because they had made there mind up before even coming to me the worst part of it all they claim to be a rescue which disgusts me recent events because a page uses a particular transport they got on the bandwagon and yet again not once did i get asked they heard one thing and ran with it and used there company to hurt us in actual fact it came from someone who wanted to help us who failed the police check and because of that made up a story to hurt me and in actual fact the only one that looked like the idiot was them and the other page. I personally have re-homed over 100 horses in my time it was my own personal thing that i have done over the years why doesnt anyone know about it because it was exactly that PERSONAL about 5 years ago I.ended it due to the cruel nature of people because one person seen I had two emaciated horses on my property and hounded and hounded the rspca etc yes they attended and where fantastic as they knew what I Did I had all there paper work in there folders of the day they were dumped YES dumped at my property in there paper work was the vet reports dentist reports farrier etc but this one person twisted the story to the point I was a horse killer starver etc I had people coming onto my property I was even shot at in my own backyard. I am laying this all out there because Im sick and tired of these personal haters getting on there high horses and sprouting lies and false accusations if anyone has something to ask inbox us and I will personally answer it myself then you make the descision. I am saying this essay because other pages that have said these things or tried to use them against us is a joke if you or anyone else has something against another person or me then deal with them why should the lies and crap hurt this page who are doing it for the horses so to me all I can say is CLEARLY you dont care about the horses but just about your vendetta against the person and will hurt anyone or anything with the vendetta. I also would like to tell everyone we are not just a page we are also a registered business unlike other pages I would also like to clarify we are here to work alongside of EVERYONE unlike some this includes other groups who do similar to us and all RESCUE groups who are there to help these horses. As we have become aware that now due to some issues a page must have with us is now trying to make it hard for us to attend the wed sales as apparently we are not needed and clearly our clients dont mean anything. Even to the point of lying and saying we start trouble with them each time we go considering we dont even know who most o them are :( Its becoming a joke and very as far as im concerned very unproffesional this is also one of the reasons we are apparently not to attend paky so now they are trying to stamp there authority on another sale I am truly disgusted I would also like to add that we are here to help the horses on the day if our clients are successful we then feed them at no fee until there transport arrives we also will stay even.if its overnight to make sure all horses are safe and then transported to there New homes we dont just give them a feed then go home and forget about them we are there until all have gone to there new homes. I am sorry for the massive story but if you are here to support what we do we all say THANKYOU if not then please dont bother putting negatives on the page or better still leave. My point of all this is why is it so hard when people so called in it for the same reasons have to work against everyone and make it that so much more harder on the horses. Also please remember there are always two sides so dont be so quick to judge. Also before you are quick to put a negative on this post isnt to put anyone down or us try and start trouble or make Us look good as honestly all this is about is I wanted to tell you all what we have had to deal with over the past few months and it needs tp bloody stop with all the childish games. We dont play dirty tactics or games on here we are here to give HORSES EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A SECOND CHANCE . stay safe everyone and have a great rest of the weekend xx
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 13:47:57 +0000

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