Hi and welcome to my Bible Study On-line ❤️🙏😄 Today - TopicsExpress


Hi and welcome to my Bible Study On-line ❤️🙏😄 Today we look at the word HUMILITY and what it truly means according to Matthew 23: 11-12 it says- JESUS said, The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. Humility means - 1. A disposition to be humble and; 2. Lack of false pride. The GREATEST among You will be your SERVANT. Mostly LEADERS TODAY want to be served ... But to serve the people or their subjects will make them look bad and look weak. Inwardly... Leadership is a position of importance and you need to be proud of it and be pompous or must look grand. A little bit of yeast makes the head swell only into an ugly beast, isnt it? For WHOSOEVER EXALTS Himself will be HUMBLED.. A great example is Saddam Hussein and his days were indeed numbered and it brought a curse to his entire family... Tragic! And WHOSOEVER HUMBLES Himself will be EXALTED... An inspiration to humanity across the globe is Mother Teresa, and her works of servitude took her to the podium of the United Nations HQ as she impacted World Leaders. What an Incredible Blessing!!! For the Word of God is Alive and Active. Sharper than any Double-edged Sword, it penetrates even to Dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it Judges the Thoughts and the Attitudes of the Heart. ~Hebrews 4:12~ No man can get away from the truth of the Word of God beloved because if You want to be a Leader then be willing to Serve in whatever capacity God has placed you in. ❤️❤️❤️ Whilst l was in the Nursing Homes and Hostels I worked as a Co-ordinator, a Team Leader, worked in the kitchen, in recreation, as a driver, a cleaner and can work in the laundry too. Be an asset to the company and a colleague that can be trusted and reliable. Hallelujah! To God be the Glory and THANK YOU Holy Spirit for this revelation. Love and Many blessings..😄 Sally R. McGoon (Published Author of The Undesirable Black Diamond.)
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:31:54 +0000

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