Hi dancer friends! Im sure youve probably heard about this ad by - TopicsExpress


Hi dancer friends! Im sure youve probably heard about this ad by now. I have seen it being shared all over Facebook. I had a few thoughts on it that I wanted to share. Im sure some of you will disagree with me, and thats ok, but I just hope that youll all hear me out on this before you decide to share it or not. Ive been a dancer for fifteen years, and to me this ad is perpetuating the very vain, destructive side of the art (especially pertaining to the part of the ad where the young girl is reading her denied acceptance into the program letter). Im sure many dancers would disagree with me, because unfortunately dancers hear this sort of you must be perfect talk all the time so it becomes the norm. Ive heard so many people say Their harshness just makes you stronger or they just have to be hard on us so that we become the best we can be, but sadly when we see it this way, we lose sight of the truth. The truth is, being hard on people and demanding perfection of them has never made anyone truly stronger. Yes, there are strong people that overcome this, but the fact is that being treated badly always leaves scars. I know this personally. Im sure a lot of people would probably say that Im just not tough enough or strong enough to handle it, but I know the truth is that being mistreated always comes with pain. We just teach ourselves to overlook it because we think it will make us better people, which is just as bad for us and our minds, especially when it comes to how we view ourselves. If I take myself out of the equation, and I think about it being my child, I would never tell them that the only way they would become their best is if they achieved perfection and I made them feel bad when they didnt live up to my standards. Thats not how you help bring up good, strong people. All this leads to is broken people who never feel good enough until they become everything that others expect of them. Sadly, that is truly the message and undertones that I see in this ad. It is very sad to me. (Side note: If you would like to share this video ad alone without my words, I respectfully ask that you please do not share it from my post as it will look like I am promoting it since my words will not be included with it.)
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:16:29 +0000

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