Hi dear friends. I have always wondered about the "Tree" in the - TopicsExpress


Hi dear friends. I have always wondered about the "Tree" in the garden. The Lord never spoke evil of that tree. He only said that they were not to eat of the tree. He also said that if they do eat of the tree then their eyes would be open and in that day they surely would die. Now, we know that God knows everything in advance. All of scripture testifies of this fact. We also know that God never tempts us with evil. This is the knowledge that we hold to be absolute concerning our Lord. Why was this tree placed in the garden and why was it next to the Tree of Life (we know as Christ) and why had they not eaten of the Tree of Life first? Now, understanding in the first place that at this time in our walk with the Lord there are many mysteries yet to be revealed. We also know that it is His desire to reveal all the mysteries to His people. But, not just anyone, but those that are truly seeking. (The parable of the man who found a treasue, the man who found a great precious pearl, the disciples after the crowds had left pleaded with the Lord and asked, "tell us what these things mean.") We know that they ate of the tree and their eyes were opened. But, why did they not die that day? Well, actually they did. A thousand years is as a day to the Lord. Look at the age of Adam when he died! Also we know that God is a God of order and everything in order and in His time. Last week I was meditating and this thought came to me, (not my first thought but afterwards) that this tree was a tree of revelation. This tree was a tree that opens the eyes and understanding of a person. This tree was able to make them like God. This tree would give them the knowledge of good and evil. In Hebrews 5 it says that strong meat belongs to those who are of full age and have brought their senses under complete control to discern good and evil. Other scriptures come to mind also but I will let you look those up for yourelves. So, knowledge of good and evil is not a bad thing but a necessary part of our maturing and leads us to strong meat. Now, to reveal my first unction concernng this tree. IS THIS TREE SYMBOLIC, AS WAS THE TREE OF LIFE BEING CHRIST, THE HOLY SPIRIT? I realize that at this time there is no way to prove or disprove this thought but I must say this, "Christ first, then the Holy Spirit." Well, now that I have provoked you God bless you all. Ok, now what? Why is this important? Does this matter? Some might say with the pharisees, "it will be revealed in the ressurection." Well, I am not satisfied to wait when I know it is the will of the Lord to reveal the mysteries to us. I am like the man who found the treaure, I am digging. I am like the man who found the pearl of great price, I am searching. I am like the discipes who asked the Lord, after everyone else had been healed, delivered, bellies full and been taught and left for home, WHAT DOES THIIS MEAN? Can you imagine with me for a moment if the discipes had not asked the Lord the meaning of the parable of the sower and the seed. Because they asked we now have that reveation. Only God knows how the body will grow and mature more and more into the likeness of Christ when someoe dares to ask him, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN! One thing I must say here is this, in our digging, in our searching and in our seeking we must remember that we do all things by the direction of the Spirit of God. Not in our intellect, not in our studying the bible, not in our strength. We fervently search, dig and seek by the Spirit. The scriptures does not say, all who are led by the word of God, they are the sons of God. Rather, the Word himself says, "all those who are led by the Spirit of God, they ARE the sons of God." Prov. 3, trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Paul the apostle declares that he does not come to us (the Corinthians) in eloquence of speech, not in the wisdom of this world, but in the demonstration of power and the Holy Spirit so that our faith not rest in the wisdom of mankind, the knowledge of mankind, the human opinion, the value system taught to us by the wordly church. Answers to questions like this (the tree) cannot be found thru searching the bible, if it could it would have already been revealed. They cannot be found by digging deep into the bible, if they could they would have already been found. These mysteries are well hidden by God himself and only the diligent will find them. Be diligent in all that you do. Learn to hear and to recognize and to know the voice of God. He is truly speaking in these last days. Again, God bless you all and remember, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (nothing is more important in your lives than to be in right standing with God) you will be filled. FILLED. FULL TO OVERFLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:09:57 +0000

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