Hi everybody I know its been an age since I filled you all in on - TopicsExpress


Hi everybody I know its been an age since I filled you all in on my progress through the arduous road to recovery from my cancer. For which I apologise. Truth be told over the padt month I have gone thrpugj the lowest period in my journey when I felt so ill I just didnt want to get out of bed yet alone write a blog. To an incredible temporary recovery where I have felt almost back to full health. I wont bore you all with the minutiae surfices to say when I went in for my final pre-chemo blood test of the FIRST PHASE of my treatment on Friday a fortnight ago my Red Blood Cell count was 6.2, on the floor. As a blood tranfusion was not an option, based upon my previous anaphaltic reaction, the medics decided to STOP the chemotherapy introveniously and orally. I was very pleased to hear it. I was so aneamic I couldnt stand or walk and was wheeled nto the hospital. Within days I began to feel stronger thanks to diet iron supplements and a weekly E.P. O. Injection of which I have now had 5. I went to the Thursday night jam at the Golden lion and hosted for about an hour, before saying my goodbyes and making a judicious exit. I continued to improve throughout that week and weekend. On The following Monday I managed a walk in the park with my daughter Katy and grandaughter Beatrix, although I cheated and used the Madge Mobil mobility scooter on loan courtesy of Paul Kingsnorth, to get there and back. Wednesday I hosted the Three Travellets jam ALL NIGHT and repeatef the feat on Thursday at the Golden Lion, thanks to my fellow musicians and appreciative audiences. On Friday I felt so well I started looking at the possibility of taking a short break before my next date at the hospital scheduled for Oct. 3rd. I checked flights to Alicante and Pafos Cyprus won. I confirmed with the medics that it was ok for me to fly so booked a flight that afternoon for the next day Saturday. I arrived unannounced at my Daughters house in Polemi at 10.00 pm. local time. The house was in darkness. After trying to rouse the occupants I found a side door open and let myself in. I spent a fitful night on the sofa to be woken Sunday morning at 6.00 am by grandchildren and my daughter who was suprised and pleased in equal measure. Later today we all attended a christening, followed by a feast,as is the custom in tbe village. My son-inlaw George stayed on with the priest and other guests, enjoying the revelry and several bottles of wine. I walked my three grandsons home an Wendy brought my sleeping grandaughter home in the car. I am sitting downstairs now whilst Wendy is trying to get the children off to sleep. Alex the youngest grandson wont settle whilst the other two boys are fine and my grandaughter little Efigenia the youngest is sleeping through all the ruckus. I think its gone quote now so hopefully Wendy will appear soon and we can have some father daughter quite time. Im feeling good and looking forward to this week with my Cypriot family, which is more than I can say for the phase 2 of my treatment which involves having a feeding tube inserted into my stomach and further chemo and radiotherapy combined for 5 and a half weeks. All starting on 7th. October. Wish me luck. Goodnight all.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:55:16 +0000

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