Hi everyone- I am doing good! Had 4-month f/u this week and all - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone- I am doing good! Had 4-month f/u this week and all is well. Ive been having physical therapy for the scar tissue and discomfort and my arm is doing much better. Kids are good, staying busy with school and activities. Jamie is happy to be in a new job (although we are still adjusting to the hours) but glad he is out of that high-stress environment. I am almost finished with fall semester of school and looking forward to graduating this year! Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and generosity over the past year! God bless you all. For those wondering about my mom and her leukemia- here is the update I posted today: (Also, she has a Caring Bride site under Cheryl Wonnell) Mom will be admitted this Thursday for 6 days of chemo and allogeneic bone marrow transplant on November 19th. She will stay in the hospital 3-4 weeks then stay in KC for 2-3 months. There are several things to be in prayer for during this process: -she will tolerate consolidation chemotherapy without difficulty. -the donor will do fine during harvest and Leukapheresis (donation process). -the graft (donor cells) will work as they should and start producing new stem cells and make a healthy new immune system for mom. Also, that the new cells will fight off moms remaining chromosome abnormalities. -that Mom will not have too much Graft-verses-host disease (GVHD). When the new, transplanted cells (graft) regard the recipients body (host) as foreign. When this happens, the newly transplanted cells attack the recipients body. A little GVHD is actually good for the system but too much can cause major side effects. Sorry, I know that is a lot of information but several people ask me how to specifically pray for her. For more information you can google allogeneic bone marrow transplan. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers for Mom. She would not have made it this far without them! Here is my devotional for today from Jesus Calling® / by Sarah Young: November 8 Learn to appreciate difficult days. Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way. As you journey through rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything. This knowledge is comprised of three parts: your relationship with Me, promises in the Bible, and past experiences of coping successfully during hard times. Look back on your life, and see how I have helped you through difficult days. If you are tempted to think, “Yes, but that was then, and this is now,” remember who I am! Although you and your circumstances may change dramatically, I remain the same throughout time and eternity. This is the basis of your confidence. In My Presence you live and move and have your being. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” —Isaiah 41:10 But you remain the same, and your years will never end. —Psalm 102:27 “‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’” —Acts 17:28
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 15:02:24 +0000

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