Hi everyone! I apologize for the delayed response... I am working - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! I apologize for the delayed response... I am working on assigning all the perakim and I am also working on creating the list of names.... Sadly there are so many names coming in.... HaShem should truly have mercy! As Shabbos is starting really early tomorrow- I will work on completing the Tehillim assignments on Motzei Shabbos and Sunday bli neder. Please message me or comment with Tehillim chapters you want to say- or you can wait until I post which ones are still available. I can not thank you all enough for being so enthusiastic and sincere about joining this Tehillim campaign!! You are each such a tremendous shinning example of what a bas/ ben Yisrael is!! You are so inspiring to me!! Someone mentioned a good point.... Since we are all human, in case someone forgets a perek on day... I am publically saying that we are committing to this with out a neder.... It is interesting (and sad that there is this need...) I received several messages asking if Friday can be added as a day to daven for women trying to conceive. I can not say no... as the last few parshios all addressed the fact the Imahos (in exception to Leah) were all barren.... We should NEVER know of the pain... SO I am adding Friday for the zchus of zera shel kayama.... If anyone feels that 5 days a week reciting the same perakim is too overwhelming please message me... it truly breaks my heart that there are so many tzaros- all different types in klal Yisrael... The messages are heartbreaking.... I cant begin to describe in words... and I dont want you all to feel as though its Tisha Bav.... Let us use our power - our voice- Hakol kol Yaakov is referred to tefilla..... Let us use the power of Tehillim to reverse all the gzerios into simchas!!! Everyone should have a yeshua in the areas that they need it!! bkarov!! The following is a strong message to men that do not want to give their wives a GET: A man comically referred to me as Miriam Hanevia... I guess he is following my posts and thinks it is funny that I believe that our tefillos will somehow make him give his wife a GET. You are right. I am not a prophetess!! I am NOT Miriam Hanevia!! but you can continue smugly laughing at your wife, at me at all these special women... you actually should continue laughing...because your laughter only gives us more inspiration to want to say more and more Tehillim for these poor Agunos... You can act like Golias... and think you are strong and mighty like Golias was... but Guess what? Small frail Dovid Hamelech won over Golias..... The words of Tehillim are a force you can not reckon with.... Not only are women all across the globe joining in achdus to daven.... but Dovid Hamelech himself is saying Tehillim with us- as it says in the Yehi Ratzon before the recitation of Tehillim May it be as though Dovid Hamelech is saying these words... Your wives will be free from your chain!!! There is a G-D in heaven and tears and tefillos can accomplish more than you will ever know.... If I have to arrange 1,000 women a day to daven for agunos... I am sure, women worldwide would join.... we, women stick together and will storm the gates for our sisters!! There is a famous story (I think it was the Chofetz Chaim....if I am wrong - anyone please correct me..) a couple went to him...and the woman cried that her husband refuses to give her a GET... the Chofetz Chaim said to the husband who was a stubborn RASHA....HaSHem has his ways... your wife will be freed from you.... either you will give her a get or she will become an almana from you. As the couple left the apartment, the man fell down the stairs and died.... I am NOT threatening you in any way... In fact I want to thank you for giving me soooo much motivation to daven extra hard for Agunahs. I can not promise miracles. No one can. We do not live in the times of neviim... but Tehillim and Tefilla are timeless powerful tools. It is my prayer that HaShem perpetuate the Kiddush HaShem that we all started by saying Tehillim.... and He show us all that He does perform miracles.... So yes, I am extremely confident that all Agunos will be seeing yeshuos and freedom bkarov. you can act all tough and macho, but I have no fear. I only fear G-D. Gam ki eileich bgai tzalmaves lo ira ra ki atah imadi... May HaShem open your heart to the words of His Torah. To all my special fellow sisters and brothers whom are joining this 5 day a week Tehillim campaign- Chazak vamatz....!!!!! May HaShem reward you all with endless brachos amvsh!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:30:50 +0000

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