Hi everyone. I feel like we need to have a conversation, so - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone. I feel like we need to have a conversation, so please, continue with this post. How many of you are aware of Ebola? Probably all of you. How many of you feel threatened by it? A strange majority of you. How many of you know how to get it? You have an elementary idea, probably. (Before I continue, I am an informed reader/writer with a couple of weeks of research, no expert, however.) Today there was an article talking about a passenger with Ebola like symptoms that has landed in Birmingham and there are firefighters and hazmat suits and a bunch of precautions and whatever. Okay. Great. Have you ever had the flu? Congratulations, you have also suffered from Ebola like symptoms thats how it starts before the massive hemorrhaging and very probable death. Now, do you know how it spreads? Yes, via bodily fluids. Not all are equal however. The most infectious are blood, vomit, urine and feces. Sweat and airborne sneeze residue have not currently exhibited transfer. This sounds gross because it is. How did it spread so fast in Africa, youre thinking that right? A lot of reasons, lack of modern medicine and quarantine procedures, yeah of course but most horrifyingly their GNARLY BURIAL RIGHTS. See, when a member dies, each person of the family CLIMBS ONTO THE CORPSE TO MOURN. Ebola victims bleed from all their orifices, puke their insides out and have diarrhea for DAYS. They are crawling with disease and, in turn, all the families that came in contact with the corpse are now infected. Look at that. An epidemic. West Africa is where all the action is so lets remember that (the article from AL dot com said the flight with the passenger in question was from Istanbul) (????) and lets talk about the man that came to the United States from Liberia. First of all, hes a dirty liar and I hate him but he isnt entirely to blame. (I mean, the hospital in TX didnt even ask him the IMPORTANT questions like... Hey youre from Africa what the freak are you doing here) (it is so important to note that the country of Liberia pressed charges on this man, and he was to be reprimanded) Ebola, once contracted can lie dormant inside you for anywhere from 2-21 days! Wow. Thats scary. But this will soothe you: Ebola can only be transferred from a person who is suffering from symptoms. Yay! We can definitely point those guys out! (Theyre the ones bleeding and they probably smell) So what can we do as a general population? First of all, we can calm the hell down because nobody here likes people covered in less dignifying bodily fluids, in fact we usually shun this kind of thing so we are in pretty good shape there. But Haley! It isnt enough! Okay. Then lets be proactive! I said before that the beginning of Ebola feels a lot like the flu so get a flu shot (they are free in a lot of places) and sit back and enjoy a break from that anxiety. Second of all, respect quarantines. I know, idiocy is in the water here but for fs sake, keep your children home from school and dont endanger the community. And last, oh please, everyone, please be able to recognize mass hysteria and keep your heads leveled. Its great to take precautions and to be cautious (I guess) but there are times where hat is necessary and this, this just isnt there yet.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 22:45:37 +0000

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