Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on how things - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on how things are going here, and a few ways that we can be in prayer for one another today! Tonight we kicked off the Sam Jones Project with the comedy styling of Will McDaniel, which was really great! He also prayed for us before he left, which was super encouraging! Were building relationships with our brothers and sisters here in, and the Weaver children have many new friends to play with! This what our schedule looks like for today: 9:00 AM: Orientation at Cherry St. Mission Ministries 10:30 AM to 4:15 PM: Well be in the Sparrow’s Nest Women’s Shelter working on removing carpet, cutting it up, dumpsterizing it and sealing floors.4:30 to 6:30 PM: Well be serving dinner at the Madison Community Center. Part of the group will split up to serve food, while others will eat/meet with guests. Then at some point in the evening, Lyndsey Newlin will be leading our devotion on Luke 6:27-36. Be in prayer for us that in whatever we do, or whoever we get to speak with/work with that well be led by the Holy Spirit, and that well take advantage of the opportunities that God gives us to step when He calls us to step! We wanna be led by Him, and not move outside of what the Lord wants us to be doing. Also, and I hope she doesnt mind me sharing this, but I want us to lift up Megan Sankoff today as a family! She has an important doctors appointment at 10:00, and although Im not 100% sure as to everything that will be going on, God knows fully. Also, be in prayer for Ryan Hough as hes having his wisdom teeth removed today. And please, if theres anyway we can pray for one another this week while on break, may we not hesitate to make that known to one another. Its a beautiful thing when the family of God can lift one another up in prayer, so lets do so! Have a great Monday yall! I love you! Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. - Ephesians 3:20-21
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 05:31:22 +0000

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