Hi, everyone. Shannon here. John is fast asleep, so I thought - TopicsExpress


Hi, everyone. Shannon here. John is fast asleep, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to say hi and to tell you what being a part of Suspended Coffees has meant for me, and why it’s so important to me. Whew...Im a little nervous. I dont normally share this much about myself with many people. *deep breath* I’ll spare you all the details about the emotional hurts, wounds, and scars I carry. Everyone has their own, so mine are no more or less important. They don’t matter anymore. They’re the past. But I do fight to keep them a part of my past every single day. Depression sucks! When I joined SC back in March of this year, I was just going through the motions. I felt numb inside most days. Music, which is a part of my soul, rarely helped anymore. I knew I needed to do something different, so I volunteered. I just loved what I’d read as a follower of the page over the year that SC had been around, and I wanted to help out in any way I could. I find myself at my happiest when I’m helping others and making them happy, so I thought, “What the hell!” I didn’t really know what I was in for. I thought I’d help write a few things, post a few things, and I wasn’t really sure of anything else. Boy was I in for a surprise! That’s when I first got to chat with John and Tracey. I fell in love with both of them almost immediately, and for very different reasons. Tracey’s straight forward, no-nonsense personality was such a breath of fresh air. She’s always right to the point, she doesn’t mince words, and her sense of humor left me in stitches the first time we talked. Then I met John (virtually). John’s genuine kindness and love and passion for helping others were yet another breath of fresh air. For the first time in a VERY long time, I felt like I had figured out where I belonged. I felt like I was home. Over the last several months, I’ve gotten to know several of the followers, café owners, and my fellow volunteers, many of whom I now consider some of my dearest and best friends. I’ve formed some of the most precious relationships I’ve ever had. I can’t imagine my life without this group of people who are very different and very similar to me, and probably to each of you. Where am I going with all of this? I’ll tell you. We all have our ups and downs, good days and bad days, days when we feel like we could conquer the world, and days when we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders. But, with Suspended Coffees, the good bits are being highlighted instead of the bad bits. We’ve all read this many times over. “Faith in humanity restored!” We see it every single day here. Not only are we restoring faith in humanity, we have plans to go out into communities and make real and lasting changes, and with so much more than a cup of coffee! But we can’t do it without your help and support. The crowdfunder is going to help give us the momentum we so desperately need. So, if you can spare a dollar or two (or more), please pop over and watch the video and see John share is passion, and click the “Contribute Now” button. Every single dollar helps! If you’re not able to spare any, please take a moment to share this (the link is in the comment section below this thread). Sharing is every bit as important as a monetary donation. Don’t forget…it’s about more than the coffee! #morethanthecoffee
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:40:37 +0000

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