Hi everyone! *Waving from the sunny Cayman Islands* I’m Elke - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! *Waving from the sunny Cayman Islands* I’m Elke Feuer and I write romantic suspense novels with mystery elements, and the occasional paranormal twist. The FBI probably has me on their watch list for my fascination with crazy human behavior, especially serial killers. I drive my hubbie crazy with checklists, but he likes that I’m a coffeeholic. I love meeting new people and charming them with my sarcastic/quirky sense of humor. Today I’m talking about my latest release, DEADLY BLOODLINES, book one in the Deadly Series. Take a peek. BLURB: A serial killer determined to repeat a murderous pattern that started twenty years ago. Years after leaving Cayman because of her notorious serial killer mother, Angel Mason returns as an inspector on the police force. On the twentieth anniversary of her mother’s capture, someone is murdered in the same manner as her mother’s victims. To complicate matters more, Angel’s old flame, Bren McDougal, is assigned to help her with capturing the killer, and it’s soon undeniably clear that the passion between them is hotter than ever. As the killer repeats her mother’s deadly pattern, Angel must face the terrifying truth she’s been hiding for twenty years. EXCERPT Angel entered CS Williams’ office and her heartbeat stuttered. She saw a head of hair that at first glance appeared dark brown, but she knew hidden in its tamarind depths were streaks of rich auburn. The hair on her arms stood to attention when the man turned to show the side view of his face. Long-forgotten goose bumps spread across her skin until they made her skin ache. “Inspector Mason, this is Professor Bren MacDougal.” He gestured for her to take a seat. “He’s a criminal psychologist who’s teaching at the local university and will be acting as a consultant on this case.” “Hello, Angel.” His Scottish brogue flowed over her like warm whisky, tingling right down to her toes. God, he looked good. Even better than he had in college. How was that possible? “You two know each other?” Williams’ brow narrowed in obvious displeasure. “Yes, we went to college together,” Angel answered. “Hmm. Small world,” Williams mumbled. “Aye, isn’t it?” Bren agreed. His aqua eyes caressed her face. The CS’s brows furrowed as if contemplating his next comment. “We were lab partners,” Angel said, looking pointedly at Williams. The last thing she wanted him thinking was that there’d been something between her and Bren. “I see,” Williams said, and visibly relaxed. “Professor MacDougal will be assisting with the unidentified subject’s profile and anything else he can help with.” Williams laced his fingers together. “We need all the expertise we can get.” She wanted to say they didn’t need his help, but that would have been a lie. Angel could feel Bren’s stare burning her skin, but she didn’t look at him at first. It had been eight years since she’d seen him and she needed more time to get her emotions under control. “Welcome to the team,” she said when her eyes finally met his. “Thank you,” Bren replied, his tone formal. “He’ll also be accompanying you on your trip to see Meredith.” Williams glanced back and forth between them. “He can provide insight to Meredith’s responses and reactions.” Bren had been one of the best criminal psychologists at Cambridge, so why was he here, in Cayman? She didn’t know. She hadn’t followed his career, afraid a connection of any kind would make her miss him. “Sure,” Angel said through gritted teeth. What she really wanted to say was “Hell no!” “You can show me the pictures of the scene so I can look over them. When the other evidence is done, we can evaluate it again to see if we missed anything,” Bren said in a professional tone. A thin smile pulled at her lips. It was the same line she’d given him the first day they had become lab partners, only he hadn’t been as confident then. “Good. It’s settled. You two work on the profile, speak with Meredith, and bring the rest of the team up to speed.” Williams spoke with assurance, as if he was certain they’d provide information to bring in the suspect. He was months away from retiring, but she knew he wouldn’t leave with an open murder case. “Stay a minute, Inspector Mason. It won’t take long,” Williams said. Bren stood. “Take your time. I’ll be outside, and then you can take me to your office.” She didn’t get a chance to respond. He was out the door, the etched glass all but slammed in her face. The tension in the building was about to reach full capacity. As if things weren’t bad enough, now Bren would be trying to psychoanalyze her like he had in college. Just great! BUY LINKS eBook at Amazon. Printed book on B&N Amazon myBook.to/DeadlyBloodlines B&N barnesandnoble/w/deadly-bloodlines-elke-feuer/1119466596?ean=9781496071088 Website elkefeuer Twitter: @ElkeFeuer GIVEAWAY DETAILS: In celebration of this rocking party, I’m giving away: (1) eBook copy of Deadly Bloodlines, (1) eBook copy of For the Love of Jazz, and a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card. TO ENTER: Please like my FB author page https://facebook/pages/Elke-Feuer/185367964831994?focus_composer=true&ref_type=bookmark and leave the comment, ‘I like it hot’, so I know you’re with the party, or in the comments below answer the question: what tropical island is your favorite to visit or is on your bucket list? I’m not shy so fire away with those questions. Good luck and have a great weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 21:02:36 +0000

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