Hi everyone! What a year it was! We have had our ups, our - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! What a year it was! We have had our ups, our downs, good times, bad times and the heartbreakingly sad times having to bid our farewells to dear and much loved friends. (RIP) It was also a year of exploring new and exciting avenues. Our very own JSC Tandem Operation is growing from strength to strength, generating the income to improve our infrastructure and facilities. We currently have two fully operational tandem systems, together with a fully equipped editing station and very soon, we will be the proud operators of a fleet of not less than THREE tandem systems! With Stefan, Bailey, Roger, and our newest addition, Robbie Stuart (Antonio soon to follow ), we will be able to run an operation that will not only enable the club to grow in assets, but also in numbers. Part of the tandem income is meant to be directed to the development of our sport through subsidizing some of our activities, such as coaching etc. Roger Cordeiro has accepted the position of the JSC Tandem Portfolio Head and he will be guiding and mentoring our Tandem Instructors to ensure we run a safe and fluent operation. Roger, thank you for stepping up to the plate, your years of experience and expertise is priceless! Although tandems market itself by word of mouth, the final product on the shelf is what actually sells it. We have two phenomenal editors, and I would like to thank Jacques and Gareth for their outstanding work! Jacques, you said you could build a better “intro” for JSC than Dubai has and I have to admit, you are getting there! In addition to the above, our very talented and dedicated marketing manager, Ilke Greeff, is doing a terrific job in getting JSC’s name out there, making sure the public knows about us. Thanks to all this positive energy and passion, JSC could afford to purchase the fuel bowser truck and fuel storage equipment from the former Pac Partnership. This allowed us to purchase our own fuel and to operate at more affordable rates. The fencing, believe it or not, at last, now is in progress. The contractors have eventually broken ground and one can clearly see from the sky that something is now happening. The “Clear View fence will enclose our entire property boundary, all 2,4 Km’s of it, runway included. We expect to see the actual fence appearing in January and it should be completed end of March. Those who have visited JSC recently, would have noticed that we have now paved the entire packing area, allowing for a more comfortable and dust free packing environment. Thanks to Gerrie Peyper, our Swoop Pond is also now looking better than ever! He single handedly installed a water feeder pipe from the top dam to the Pond. Clean, clear water on tap! Gerrie thank you for your selfless efforts, it is highly appreciated!!! The new JSC creepers (12 of them) were also managed by Gerrie and this will be of great value to JSC and visiting teams preparing for Nationals! Barend has installed our new, latest upgrade in manifesting software. Our manifest and admin personnel (under Pam’s supervision) are busy undergoing training and we can’t wait to see the exciting features this will offer in the new year! Nicole, who already does a sterling job, will be outdoing herself once this is up and running! The current JSC Committee boasts with some of the most dynamic, energetic and inspirational persons I have ever had the privilege to work with. Some of these guys broke their backs for JSC this year, so please make sure to appreciate them and buy them a beer when you see them!!!! If you think this was a good year, wait for 2015! To all our fellow JSC members and skydivers, may you, your families and loved ones enjoy a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2015 and only experience soft winds and gentle landings, not only under canopy but also in everyday life! See you all back at JSC on the 10th of January 2015! Travel safe. God Bless! Pottie
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:10:23 +0000

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