Hi everyone Wow! What a huge day on Saturday and such a - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone Wow! What a huge day on Saturday and such a successful day for The Benny Wills Brain Tumour Research Program. This was due to the generosity of so many people - thank you very much to everyone who participated, helped in any way, donated to the quiz night and sponsored the run. I know Charlotte would have been so excited about both the run and the quiz night and she would have had a lot of laughs at the quiz night. It turned out to be a lot of fun for everyone from what I could see and I know I laughed a lot too. The first part was Charlottes Run. The day started with the Western Power contractor arriving to set up the gigantic generator that would be running the power to my house for the day. It was a huge generator, as you will see from the photo. I was very lucky with the weather, as it was cloudy and a lot cooler than it has been for a very long time. There wasnt much of a breeze, though. Jamie dropped me at The Pottery Playroom where I had my first nice surprise of the day. Adrian and Mikki had organised a cheque for $160 to go towards the run. This money was raised in a very unique way. They have a childrens play area that the children need to wear socks in and every time a child needed to buy some socks to play in the play area they were asked to make a gold coin donation towards the run. Adrian and Mikki then matched the money raised. What a great idea! A chat, some photos, stretching and I was off on my way to running the 33kms to Bullsbrook. It was a great start with nice, easy footpaths to run on for the first 10kms or so until I got to the first part of Neaves Road where I would be running the rest of the way on the road. I made the most of the easier running surface and was running at about a 5 minutes per km pace until I got to about the 25kms mark. I felt like Charlotte was propelling me along most of the way. At about the 25kms mark with 8 kms to go I started to feel every muscle aching and my knees were getting very sore from the terrible, uneven running surfaces. Where I could see no cars heading towards me I made the most of running on the road where it was smooth. About half a km from the finish line Gordon, Nahrel, Zane and Acacia were parked on the side of the road waiting for me with a sign that Zane and Acacia had created. So Nahrel, Zane and myself walked together to the start of the oval where we then ran across to the finish line. Yay! I had finished finally! I couldnt believe I had run 33 kms - it took me 3 and a half hours, but I was so happy to have completed it. Once we set the hall up for the quiz we were reminded again just how many people were supporting this event. It looked as though everyone was really enjoying themselves and having a lot of fun throughout the night. There were a lot of laughs had during some of the games. Some of the highlights were contestants having to make animal noises to win vouchers for animal products, contestants racing to get to the desk first to win other vouchers and the mishaps along their way, our scoring judge, Keith, getting to see Josies black underwear to win a voucher, the spirited bidding on some of the auction items and of course the competitive spirit shown by all of the tables trying to win. There was only half a point between the winning table and the second placed table at the finish! A special big thank to mum, dad, Sam, Geoff, Jamie, Keith Hannah, Keith Harper and Nahrel for your help before, during and after the quiz night. And of course, Jamie for his support during the run. A lot of money was raised during the night. The auction raised $1,850, with the highest amount of $575 paid for the beautiful hand knitted alpaca rug that Amanda Davis and her mum kindly donated. In total $4,501 was raised at the quiz night, plus the $2,216 paid for the tables beforehand. There were a few donations received in each of these amounts too. So the final tally for the quiz night is a massive $6,717. I am not sure how much money was raised from the run as yet, but will find this out in the next few weeks and advise. Thank you very much to everyone who supported Charlottes Fairy Big Fundraiser. I know Charlotte would have been very proud of what has been achieved and she would have been very entertained by the quiz night antics. A few photos of the run are attached. Unfortunately I wasnt able to take any photos at the quiz night, as it was too busy. If anyone has any, feel free to send them through to me and I can forward them on.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:46:30 +0000

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